Hymenopteran insects landing on and inserting their ovipositor into the S. macrophylla tree trunk. a T. apicalis female b T. apicalis ovipositor with abdomen inserted into the wood c I. japonica female d M. jezoensis. female. Scale lines = 10 mm.

  Part of: Kuramitsu K, Kosaki A, Ishihara T, Yamada H, Watanabe K (2016) Infestation of the woodwasp Tremex apicalis Matsumura (Hymenoptera, Siricidae) on the large-leaf dogwood Swida macrophylla (Wall.) with biological notes on its parasitoid wasps. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 52: 71-79. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.52.10060