Nest structure of Hoplitis curvipes A scheme of cell No. 2 of the nest from Dagestan showing the thickness of cell wall and closing plug on the left and the orientation of the leaf fragments incorporated into the cell wall on the right (solid lines correspond to the length of the intact apical parts of the leaf fragments according to the approximation in Fig. 3B, dotted lines represent supposed length of the basal parts of the leaf fragments being masticated to leaf pulp) B various examples of intact apical parts of leaf fragments removed from the cell wall.

  Part of: Ivanov SP, Fateryga AV, Müller A (2023) Brood cells like conifer cones: the peculiar nesting biology of the osmiine bee Hoplitis (Alcidamea) curvipes (Morawitz, 1871) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 735-750.