Single most-parsimonious tree (raw length = 3822, ci = 0.14, ri = 0.75), of 101 sub/genera of Mutillidae and 4 outgroups (but each duplicated and recoded so as to reflect maximal character-state differences for polymorphisms, and taxa retained as monophyletic collapsed in the figure, see text), both sexes, 230 characters many additive and all with implied weighting (N = 5, k = 169). Group support (GC) values shown for all groups supported by resampling. Names in bold are of “terminals” shown not to be monophyletic.

  Part of: Brothers DJ, Lelej AS (2017) Phylogeny and higher classification of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) based on morphological reanalyses. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 60: 1-97.