Flower visiting behaviour of females of Quartinia major. 9 Nectar uptake from disc florets on capitulum of Asteriscus graveolens 10 Female with protruded proboscis taking up nectar from disc florets of Pulicaria mauritanica 11 Ingestion with the mouthparts of pollen grains that had accumulated on the fore legs 12 Female pressing pollen out of the corolla tube of a disc floret of P. mauritanica with her mouthparts, while the pollen grains accumulate above the corolla in front of her head surrounded by her antennae 13 Pollen uptake from disc floret of P. mauritanica a Female pressing pollen out of the corolla tube b female immediately afterwards ingesting pollen supported by her fore legs 14 Female brushing pollen from her exoskeleton with rapid alternating movements of her fore legs.

  Part of: Mauss V, Müller A, Prosi R (2018) Flower associations and nesting of the pollen wasp Quartinia major Kohl, 1898 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Masarinae) in Morocco. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 62: 15-31. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.62.22879