Agarose gel visualizing the products of nested trials with products of direct PCR for samples PD12 - P. barbatum, PD14 - P. yomenae, and PD15 - P. yomenae. The products from PCR with Pr2Fd/Pr2Rd were submitted to secondary nested trials with primer pairs Pr2Fd/Pr2Rn and Aph2Fn/Pr2Rd. Amplicons obtained with Pr3Fd/HCO2198 were used as the template for nested reactions with Pr3Fd/Pr3Rn and Pr3Fn/HCO2198.

  Part of: Mitrović M, Tomanović Ž (2018) New internal primers targeting short fragments of the mitochondrial COI region for archival specimens from the subfamily Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 64: 191-210.