Paired comparison of trend responses of gravid females of Cephalcia chuxiongica to attractive odors P one pine shoot G one gravid female PGE one pine shoot with one female and her fresh eggs on the needles PE one pine shoot with fresh eggs but no female NE needles’ extract EL eggs’ eluent. *Indicates that the trend rate to the odor is statistically significantly higher than that to the other odor in this pair (P < 0.05, nonparametric Wilcoxon matched pairs test, two-tailed).

  Part of: Yan Z-L, Ma H-F, Mao Y-L, Liu L (2018) Gravid females of Cephalcia chuxiongica (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) are attracted to egg-carrying needles of Pinus yunnanensis. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 65: 157-166.