Male genital of Celonites hermon (dbM No. 3689) in dorsal (left) and ventral view (right). Setae only shown on one side of each drawing. Nomenclature follows that of Birket-Smith (1981): ad, aedoeagus; at, apodema thyrsos; cu, cupula; dc, dorso-medial concavity of the posterior margin of the stipes; ha, harpide; mp, medial process of volsella; pp, posterior process of volsella; sl, shovel-like dorso-medial lobe of harpide; sp, stipes; ty, thyrsos; vo, volsella.

  Part of: Mauss V, Prosi R (2018) Identity and distribution of Celonites hermon Gusenleitner, 2002 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Masarinae) from the Middle East with a description of the hitherto unknown male. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 66: 55-70.