Propodeum. 33 Polytribax contiguous (Cresson), dorsolateral view. Arrow indicates posterolateral triangle of metanotum 34 Centeterus euryptychiae, dorsal view. Arrow indicates median tubercle at base of propodeum 35 Sphelodon phoxopteridis, lateral view 36–38 Dorsal view (re-drawn after Townes 1969, 1970a, 1971) 36 Aplomerus tibialis (Provancher) 37 Ateleute tsiriria (Seyrig) 38 Ophion flavidus Brullé.

  Part of: Bennett AMR, Cardinal S, Gauld ID, Wahl DB (2019) Phylogeny of the subfamilies of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 71: 1-156.