A right, Hybristodryinus zaifui sp. nov., female, holotype, habitus, latero-dorsal view; left, nymph of Perforissidae (Perforissidae), ventral view B left, Hybristodryinus zaifui sp. nov., female, holotype, habitus, latero-ventral view; right, nymph of Cixitettiginae, habitus, dorsal view C, D Hybristodryinus zaifui sp. nov., female, holotype: C head and mesosoma, dorsal view D head and mesosoma, latero-ventral view E antenna, arrows indicate the ADOs in the antennomeres 6–10 (one ADO per antennomere, except two ADOs in antennomere 10) F wings, 1Cu = cubital 1 cell, 2r-rs&Rs = stigmal vein, C = costal cell, P = pterostigma, R = radial cell.

  Part of: Olmi M, Chen H-Y, Shih C, Müller P, Capradossi L, Ren D, Perkovsky EE, Guglielmino A (2021) New species of Hybristodryinus Engel (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) from mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar, with notes on their possible hosts. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 81: 43-55. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.81.57792