SEM images of the 1st valvulae of Habrobracon hebetor a–c apex of 1st valvula with sawteeth (a lateral aspect b–c dorsal aspect). The aulaces are visible (b) d–e valvillus of 1st valvula (distal is right) f distally oriented scale-like structures on the lateral walls of the aulax g leaf-like ctenidia on the medial side of 1st valvula h 1st valvula with distally oriented ctenoid structures on its dorsal side (contact surface with the 2nd valvula) and ctenidia on its medial side (contact surface with the opposing 1st valvula building the egg canal in the distal part of the terebra). Abbreviations: 1vv = 1st valvula; au = aulax; ct = ctenidium; rcs = row of ctenoid structures; sc = scales; st = sawtooth; vl = valvillus.

  Part of: Csader M, Mayer K, Betz O, Fischer S, Eggs B (2021) Ovipositor of the braconid wasp Habrobracon hebetor: structural and functional aspects. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 83: 73-99.