Flower visiting behaviour of Celonites tauricus at Satureja thymbra in Kos 25–26 Regular flower visit for the simultaneous uptake of nectar and pollen with the proboscis protruded into the corolla tube and the knobbed setae on the frons making contact with the nototribic anthers 25 Viewed from ventral-posterior 26 Viewed from dorso-lateral 27 Proboscis partly retracted shortly before leaving the flower, in lateral view 28–29 Female standing on the lower lip and an adjacent flower brushing pollen from her frons with alternating movements of her fore legs 30 The fore legs are brought between the mouthparts for pollen ingestion during pollen transfer from the frons by brushing movements towards the mouthparts.

  Part of: Mauss V, Fateryga AV, Prosi R (2016) Taxonomy, distribution and bionomics of Celonites tauricus Kostylev, 1935, stat. n. (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Masarinae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 48: 33-66. https://doi.org/10.3897/JHR.48.6884