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Ecological Speciation without Morphological Differentiation? A New Cryptic Species of Diodontus Curtis (Hymenoptera, Pemphredonidae) from the Centre of Europe.
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Cheng-Hui Zhang, Hai-Yang Wang, Yan Wang, Zhi-Hao Chi, Yue-Shuo Liu, Guo-Hao Zu (2024)
The first two complete mitochondrial genomes for the genus Anagyrus (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) and their phylogenetic implications.
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Milos Sevarika, Paolo Giannotti, Andrea Lucchi, Roberto Romani (2022)
The Antennal Sensory Structures of Female Anagyrus vladimiri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).
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Wendy Y. Wang, Aiki Yamada (2023)
Scrutinising an inscrutable bark-nesting ant: Exploring cryptic diversity in the Rhopalomastix javana (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) complex using DNA barcodes, genome-wide MIG-seq and geometric morphometrics.
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Zhi-Hao Chi, Cheng-Hui Zhang, Zhi-Peng Chen, Wen-Yu Cui, Hai-Yang Wang, Guo-Hao Zu (2024)
The complete mitochondrial genome of
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Kento HIRATA, Kôji SASAKAWA (2024)
Morphological allometry of three hymenopteran ectoparasitoids of stored-product insect pests.
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