Separation of third laterotergite. a laterotergite completely fused with the tergite, its ventral edge thin and curved (D. sobolicida) b–f laterotergite folded in anteriorly, separated from the tergite by a crease, mind that the crease is secondarily folded back in D. insignita b D. pugillator c D. insignita d D. stragifex e D. nidulator f D. leptogaster. Blue bars indicate the lateral length of the third tergite. Green bars indicate the length of the crease separating the laterotergite from the tergite. Epipleural index = length of the crease / lateral length of the tergite. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

  Part of: Meier N, Urfer K, Haraldseide H, Vårdal H, Klopfstein S (2022) Open access in a taxonomic sense: a morphological and molecular guide to Western Palaearctic Dusona (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 91: 83-183.