Morphological and genomic traits of Trissolcus basalis A head of female Tr. basalis reared from BMSB eggs in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA (FSCA 00090269 B repeat landscape plot of different TE classes within the Tr. basalis genome. Nucleotide sequence divergence in each TE copy was calculated as the Kimura distance between the annotated TE copies in the genome and the consensus sequence of each TE family C ultrametric timetree depicting the position of Tr. basalis relative to six other hymenopterans inferred from a phylogenetic analysis of 4,510 single-copy protein-coding genes identified by OrthoFinder. Numbers above branches (left to right, separated by forward slashes) indicate gene family expansions, gene family contractions, and the number of rapidly evolving gene families in each lineage. Each branch received 100% SH-aLRT and UFBoot2 support values D genome assembly completeness comparison based on the proportion of BUSCOs recovered in each genome using the Insecta odbv10 dataset (N = 1367). Abbreviations: BMSB, brown marmorated stink bug; C, complete; D, duplicated; DNA, DNA transposon; F, fragmented; LINE, long interspersed nuclear element; LTR, long terminal repeat; M, missing; mya, million years ago; RC, rolling circle transposon; S, single-copy; SINE, short interspersed nuclear element; TE, transposable element; Aros, Athalia rosae; Bkin, Belonocnema kinseyi; Mdem, Microplitis demolitor; Nvit, Nasonia vitripennis; Oabi, Orussus abietinus; Tbal, Trissolcus basalis; Tpre, Trichogramma pretiosum.

  Part of: Lahey Z, Chen H, Dowton M, Austin AD, Johnson NF (2023) The genome of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), a model organism and biocontrol agent of stink bugs. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 95: 31-44.