Dryocosmus moriius sp. n. 122–124 head, female: 122 frontal view 123 dorsal view 124 posterior view 125 head, frontal view, male 126–127 antenna: 126 female 127 male 128–129 female: 128 mesosoma, dorsal view 129 fore wing, part, female (rad=radial cell).

  Part of: Tang C-T, Mikó I, Nicholls JA, Schwéger S, Yang M-M, Stone GN, Sinclair F, Bozsó M, Melika G, Pénzes Z (2016) New Dryocosmus Giraud species associated with Cyclobalanopsis and non-Quercus host plants from the Eastern Palaearctic (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 53: 77-162. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.53.9890