Bombus lucorum and Bombus cryptarum. B. cryptarum belongs to the B. lucorum species complex, with only one Hungarian data from YN21 UTM cell where B. lucorum have been not reported yet. Distribution maps of bumble bee species present in Hungary according to periods of data collection and/or publication. +: before 1954, ×: 1954–1970, empty circle: 1971–2000 and grey square: after 2000.

  Part of: Arnóczkyné Jakab D, Tóth M, Szarukán I, Szanyi S, Józan Z, Sárospataki M, Nagy A (2023) Long-term changes in the composition and distribution of the Hungarian bumble bee fauna (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 207-237.