Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jin-Kyung Choi ( ) Academic editor: Tamara Spasojevic
© 2024 Jin-Kyung Choi, Jong-Wook Lee, Kazuhiko Konishi, Kyong-In Suh, Andrew M. R. Bennett.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Choi J-K, Lee J-W, Konishi K, Suh K-I, Bennett AMR (2024) Description of one new species of Agriotypus Curtis, 1832 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Agriotypinae) from South Korea. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 471-490.
Two species of the genus Agriotypus Curtis, 1832, A. jilinensis Chao, 1981 and A. wangpiensis sp. nov., are added to the South Korean fauna. In total, four species, A. gracilis, A. jilinensis, A. silvestris, and A. wangpiensis sp. nov., have now been found in South Korea. The female of A. jilinensis is described for the first time and the species is redescribed based on the first fully eclosed specimens. Photographs of collecting sites, the larva and the adult of A. wangpiensis sp. nov., and a key to the South Korean species of Agriotypus are provided.
Agriotypus wangpiensis sp. nov., A. jilinensis, aquatic wasp, DNA barcode, taxonomy, Trichoptera
The subfamily Agriotypinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is a small group of aquatic parasitoid wasps which are known to parasitize trichopteran pupae and prepupae in fast-running water but, some species (A. armatus) can attack hosts in lakes and slow-moving rivers (
This genus can be easily identified by the following characteristics: a strongly distinct spine on the scutellum; all metasomal sternites fully sclerotized; fused 2nd and 3rd metasomal tergites and sternites. Because of the latter two characteristics,
In this study, a new species, A. wangpiensis sp. nov., and the female of A. jilinensis are described, including the larva of A. wangpiensis sp. nov. We also provide DNA barcodes and an illustrated identification key to the South Korean species.
Type specimens of the new species are preserved in the Insect Inquiry Education Institute in Daegu National University of Education (DNUE-IIEI, Daegu, Korea), Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBR, Sangju, Korea), and Ehime University of Matsuyama (
The examined Agriotypus wangpiensis sp. nov. specimens for DNA barcoding are deposited in DNUE-IIEI. Genomic DNA from two adult females and five adult males, one pupa, and one larva were extracted using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, California). Each PCR was performed in a 30µl volume consisting of 15µl of premix (SolgTM 2× Taq PCR Pre-Mix: 0.5× Band DoctorTM with dye, Taq DNA polymerase (5U/µl), 10× Taq Reaction Buffer (25 mM MgCl2 included), 10 mM each dNTP Mix), 2µl of DNA template, 1µl of each primer as 10 pmol, and 11µl of DNase free water. An approximately 650–700 bp piece of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I(COI) gene was amplified using the primers LCO1490 (5’-GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA AAG ATA TTG G-3’) and HCO2198 (5’-TAA ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3’) (
We employed two phylogenetic methods: distance-based Neighbor-Joining (NJ) and optimality criterion-based Maximum Likelihood (ML) (
A ML analysis was performed using the IQ-TREE web server (
The final tree was visualized using FigTree v1.4.4 ( The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary distances were computed using the Kimura 2-parameter method. The evolutionary distance is omitted in the Fig.
Family Ichneumonidae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Agriotypinae Haliday,1838
Agriotypus Curtis, 1832: 389. Type species: Agriotypus armatus Curtis, by original designation.
Crotopus Holmgren, 1858: 353. Type species: Crotopus abnormis Holmgren = armatus Curtis, by monotypy. Synonymized by Dalla Torre, 1902.
Atopotypus Chao, 1992: 325. Type species: Atopotypus succintus Chao, by monotypy. Synonymized by Bennett, 2001.
1 | Females | 2 |
– | Males | 5 |
2 | Face with median vertical ridge. Body color almost entirely reddish brown (Fig. |
A. jilinensis |
– | Face without median vertical ridge. Body color generally blackish (Fig. |
3 |
3 | Clypeus in anterior view with summit pointed medially (see Fig. |
A. gracilis |
– | Clypeus in anterior view with summit rounded medially (not pointed), (Fig. |
4 |
4 | Basal 1/4 of fourth submarginal cell and third discal cell of fore wing hyaline (arrows in Fig. |
A. silvestris |
– | Basal 1/4 of fourth submarginal cell and third discal cell of fore wing infuscate, without hyaline spot (arrows in Fig. |
A. wangpiensis Choi and Lee, sp. nov. |
5 | Face with median vertical ridge. Fore wing with abscissa of vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu 0.3–0.9 times as long as 2rs-m. Digitus elongated, but shorter than lamina volsellaris (Fig. |
A. jilinensis |
– | Face without median vertical ridge. Fore wing with abscissa of vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu 2.0 times as long as 2rs-m. Digitus strongly elongated, longer than lamina volsellaris (Fig. |
6 |
6 | Clypeus in anterior view with summit pointed medially (see Fig. |
A. gracilis |
– | Clypeus in anterior view with summit rounded medially (see Fig. |
7 |
7 | Hypopygium concave in median dorsal margin (see Fig. |
A. silvestris |
– | Hypopygium evenly round in median dorsal margin (Fig. |
A. wangpiensis Choi and Lee, sp. nov. |
Agriotypus jilinensis Chao, 1981: 79. Chao & Zhang, 1981, by original description.
: ♂, China: Changbaishan Nature Reserve, Jilin Province, 25. vi. 1980 (Y. Zhang) (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University). Other material: South Korea: 1♀, 2.iv.2015, Toegokgyo, Toegok-ri, Yeongok-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do (S.W. Jeong) (NNIBR); 1♀, 27.iv–10.v.2003, Jirisan, Hamyang-gun, Samjeong-li, 700 m asl, Malaise trap in a big clearing, 35°20'55"N, 127°38'21"E, (P. Tripotin) (
Female. Body length 5.6–6.7 mm; fore wing length 4.5–5.2 mm.
Head. Face width (minimum length of inner orbits) 1.1 times as wide as its median height (length between antennal socket and clypeal margin), with a median vertical ridge (see Fig.
Adult of A. jilinensis (female) (non-type) A habitus in dorsal view B head in frontal view C metasomal tergite I in dorsal view D head and mesoscutum in dorsal view E head and mesosoma in lateral view F propodeum and metasomal tergite I in dorsal view G propodeum in dorsal view H hind tarsomeres and tarsal claw I wings J metasomal tergites in lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A); 0.5 mm (D, E, F, I, J); 0.2 mm (B, C, G, H).
Mesosoma. Pronotum with long and strong epomia extending dorsal of furrow and almost straight. Mesoscutum shiny, anterior 1/2–2/3 of median lobe moderately punctate and setose, the rest of medial lobe and all lateral lobes completely impunctate and lacking setae; notaulus distinct, meeting at around middle (Fig.
Wings. Fore wing with 1cu-a distad M&Rs; abscissa of vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu 1.0–2.0 times as long as 2rs-m. Hind wing with 6–8 distal hamuli; vein 1/Cu & 1cu-a intercepted by 1/Cu in lower 0.44 Cu (Fig.
Metasoma. Metasomal tergite I 3.0–4.2 times as long as its posterior width (Fig.
Colour. Generally reddish brown. Head, pronotum, mesoscutum and metasoma reddish brown. Scutellum and metasomal tergite I dark reddish brown. All legs, mesopleuron and propodeum almost black. Fore wing with fuscous longitudinal bands and with wide hyaline spots occupying middle of basal cell, discosubmarginal cell and distal half of marginal and basal of fourth submarginal cells (Fig.
Male. Agrees with the above-mentioned description of the female, except for the following character states: Body length 5.5–7.4 mm (holotype: 7 mm); fore wing length 4.7–6.0 mm; antenna with 29–34 flagellomeres (holotype: 32 flagellomeres); mesoscutum entirely punctate with setae; spine of scutellum laterally compressed and slightly up-curved or straight (Fig.
Variation. The scutellar spine of the male holotype is straight and relatively stout apically compared to some South Korean A. jilinensis specimens that are more upcurved and tapered (although some are straight and non-tapered as in Fig.
Larva. Unknown.
Unidentified Trichoptera.
China (Jilin), South Korea (new record).
Eastern Palaearctic.
This species has been known previously from only two pharate males (holotype and paratype). Thus, this is the first description of the female and of the wings of the male. (Korean name: Am-bul-eun-bae-mul-beol).
Holotype ♀, South Korea: 31.v.2022, Wangpicheon, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea (S.J. Kwon), rearing date: Type depository: DNUE-IIEI.
Paratypes. 8 ♀♀, 31.v.2022, Wangpicheon, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea (S.J. Kwon), rearing date: 7– (DNUE-IIEI,
Females of Agriotypus wangpiensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species for which the female is known by the combination of the following characters: 1) metasomal tergite II lacking dorsal and dorsolateral carinae anteriorly (Fig.
Final larva instar of A. wangpiensis sp. nov. A whole body of larva in dorsal view B caudal filaments C head of larva in frontal view D mandible of larva E salivary orifice (s) and orifice of silk press (slo) in ventral view. [a: antenna, ap: anterior pleurostomal process, at: anterior tentorial pit, b; base of mandible, bl: blade of mandible, c: clypeus, e: epistoma, f: frons, hs: hypostoma, hsp: spur of hypostoma, Ib: labium, lbs: labial sclerite, 1m: labrum, lms: labral sclerite, lp: labial palp, m: mandible, mp: maxillary palp, mx: maxilla, plb: postlabium, pp: posterior pleurostomal process, prlb: prelabium, prs: prelabial sclerite, ps: pleurostoma, s: salivary orifice, slo: orifice of silk press, sp: silk press, ss: stipital sclerite].
Female (Adult). Body length 5.0–6.8 mm; fore wing length 4.0–4.9 mm.
Head. Head width 1.0 times as wide as its median height (Fig.
A. wangpiensis sp. nov. (Holotype, female A–F Paratype, male G, H) A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, lateral view C head, frontal view D head and mesoscutum, dorsal view E mesosoma, lateral view F propodeum, dorsal view G head and mesoscutum, dorsolateral view H habitus, lateral view. Scale bares: 1 mm (A, B, H); 0.2 mm (C–G).
Mesosoma. Pronotum with long and strong epomia, upper area of pronotum with more than 10 fine carinae dorso-posteriorly. Mesoscutum shiny, anterior half of median lobe and outer side of lateral lobes punctate and setose; notauli distinct, meeting in posterior 0.3 (Fig.
Wings. Fore wing with 1cu-a distad of M&Rs; abscissa of vein M between 2rs-m and 2cu-m 2.5–2.7 times as long as 2rs-m. Hind wing with 8 distal hamuli; vein 1/Cu & 1cu-a intercepted by 2/Cu in lower 0.25–0.35 (Fig.
Metasoma. Metasomal tergite I 3.8 times as long as its apical width, 1.7 times as long as length of propodeum; metasomal tergite I finely punctulate-reticulate, spiracles situated in anterior 0.45, lateromedian and dorsolateral carinae complete and strong, reaching to apex. Metasomal tergite II lacks dorsal and dorsolateral carinae. Ovipositor sheath 0.7 times as long as length of hind basitarsus.
Colour. Almost black. Apical spine of scutellum, posterior metasomal tergites slightly reddish brown. Fore wing generally infuscate, with small hyaline spots occupying middle of basal cell, discosubmarginal cell and marginal cell: hyaline spot of basal cell at basal 0.6 on the basal cell of fore wing, hyaline spots of discosubmarginal cell narrow, distal half of marginal cell with hyaline spot, fourth submarginal cell without hyaline spot (Fig.
Variation. In some specimens, apical area of fore wing hyaline (Fig.
Male. Body length 5.0–6.0 mm; fore wing length 4.1–5.1 mm. Antenna with 27–29 flagellomeres. Fore wing with abscissa of vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu 2.0 times as long as 2rs-m. Hind wing vein 1/Cu & 1cu-a intercepted by 2/Cu at lower 0.43 (Fig.
Male genitalia and hypopygium of Agriotypus jilinensis (A, C non-type) and A. wangpiensis sp. nov. (B, D paratype) A hypopygium, ventral view of A. jilinensis B hypopygium, ventral view of A. wangpiensis sp. nov. C genitalia of A. jilinensis D genitalia of A. wangpiensis sp. nov. Scale bar: 0.3 mm.
Last instar larva (Fig.
Goera japonica Banks, 1906 (Trichoptera: Goeridae). (Det. Dr. Kwon). The Wangpicheon River originates from Mt. Geumjangsan (849 m), which straddles Subi-myeon, Yeongyang-gun and Onjeong-myeon, Uljin-gun, GB, and flows into the East Sea through Uljin-gun.
South Korea.
Eastern Palaearctic.
The species is named after ‘Wangpicheon’, from the location where the type specimens was collected. (Korean name: Wang-pi-mul-beol).
COI barcode sequences (GenBank accession nos. OQ981233.1–OQ981241.1), Echthrus reluctator (BOLD GMGMH1512-14) and Endasys patulus (BOLD HYCNL036-19; NCBI MK959419) (Figs
This new species is similar to A. silvestris Konishi & Aoyagi, 1994, but the female can be distinguished from the latter by the profile of the clypeus (convex with angulation but, roundly convex without angulation in A. silvestris); the ratio of the lengths of the scutellar spine and the propodeum (scutellar spine length 1.25 times as long as propodeum but only 0.75 times as long as in A. silvestris); the colour of the female fore wing (basal areas of fourth submarginal cell and third discal cells of fore wing almost completely dark without hyaline spot (arrows in Fig.
Japan: 1 ♂, 21.iii.2002, Honshu, Aichi, Horai, Shiose (N. Kawase) (DNUE_IIEI); 1 ♀,–7.vii.2002, Honshu, Shizuoka, Shimizu (T. Nozaki) (DNUE_IIEI); 1 ♀, 16.xi.2013, Tokyo: Hamura City, Tamagawa River, 35.4507 139.1837, 116 m, reared (S. Shimizu) CNC5245937 (CNC).
COI barcode sequences BOLD CNC5245937 (=AIB453 AB2 in Figs
Japan: 1 ♀, 11.ix.2006, Hokkaido Oshima, Mori-machi Torisaki river (T. Ito) (DNUE_IIEI); 1 ♂, 1–2.ix.1996, Honshu, Gunma, Matsuida env., 1100 m, yellow pan trap, (L. Masner) CNC5245940 (CNC); 1♂,1♀, 25.viii.1996, Honshu, Iwate, Mt. Hayachine, 750 m, yellow pan trap, (L. Masner & K. Yamagishi) (CNC5245938, CNC5245939) (CNC).
COI barcode sequences BOLD CNC5245938 (= AIB449A in Figs
The first study on South Korean Agriotypinae by
We are deeply grateful to Dr. Gavin Broad and an anonymous reviewer for reviewing this manuscript. Reviewers provided constructive criticism that improved this paper. We also thank to Dr. Tamara Spasojevic for acting as associate editor, Dr. Kwon, Soon Jik, Dr. Jeong, Jong-Chul, Mr. P. Tripotin, and Dr. Jeong, Sang Woo for assisting in collecting materials and identification of host. Also, we thank to Amber Bass (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) for providing COI sequences of A. silvestris and A. gracilis. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2021R1F1A1052395) (Molecular analysis part) and a grant from the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NNIBR202201201).