Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jian-Rong Wei ( ) Academic editor: Mark Shaw
© 2017 Peng-Cheng Liu, Jian-Jun Wang, Bin Zhao, Jin Men, Jian-Rong Wei.
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Liu P-C, Wang J-J, Zhao B, Men J, Wei J-R (2017) Influence of natal host and oviposition experience on sex allocation in a solitary egg parasitoid, Anastatus disparis (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 58: 29-40.
Constraints on adaptation are a major topic in evolutionary biology. Sex allocation, in particular the ratio of the sexes, has often been used as a key process for studying constraints on adaptation. Anastatus disparis Ruschka (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is a solitary egg parasitoid of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), and several other lepidopteran forest pests. Here, we compared two different sized substitute hosts, the smaller one Dictyoploca japonica Moore (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae) and the larger one Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae), and investigated the influence of natal host and oviposition experience on sex allocation by A. disparis. Results showed that natal host had almost no impact on sex allocation by A. disparis, but oviposition experience did influence sex allocation of A. disparis on D. japonica eggs. This suggests that information females obtain from the environment influences how they allocate sex in their offspring. However, the sex ratios of A. disparis emerging from A. pernyi eggs were consistent irrespective of oviposition experience of female A. disparis. This indicates that the eggs of A. pernyi are large enough to maximize female progeny of A. disparis.
Parasitoid, substitute host, learning, gypsy moth
Anastatus disparis Ruschka (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is a solitary egg parasitoid of several noxious lepidopteran forest pests, including the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) (
Sex allocation in haplodiploid arthropods has fitness-related implications and has received much attention with regard to insect parasitoids (
Learning and memory have been demonstrated in a large number of animal species. Hymenopteran parasitoids can learn to recognize particular visual and olfactory stimuli and use them to modify subsequent behaviours (
Trivers and Wilard (1973) suggest that females should adjust the sex of their offspring in response to environmental conditions, and there is considerable empirical evidence for such adjustments and deviations from optimal sex allocation strategies (
Pupae of Antheraea pernyi were purchased from a farmer in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China; adults that emerged from those pupae were maintained at 25–30 °C for less than two days prior to egg extraction (see below); Dictyoploca japonica eggs were provided directly from the Forestry Academy of Liaoning Province, China. Eggs of the two lepidopteran host species for use in experiments were obtained by laparotomizing the adult females’ abdomen and removing the eggs; these eggs were maintained at 0 °C prior to use, and for not longer than 60 days (
An Anastatus disparis colony was first established from a population developing in L. dispar egg masses collected in Longhua County, Hebei Province (41°31'N, 117°74'E) in March, 2012, and was subsequently maintained on A. pernyi eggs in several cylindrical rearing boxes (height: 5 cm, diameter: 5 cm) at 25±0.5°C, RH 60%, 14L:10D. Prior to experiments cohorts of A. disparis were also reared on D. japonica eggs for three generations to provide the different treatments for the experiments (see below). All adult female A. disparis had no experience of hosts or oviposition before experiments began and were fed with honey water (honey: water=4: 6) on cotton balls (
The host egg sizes were determined from their length (
One large experiment with six treatments was conducted to answer two primary questions, the first concerning sex-allocation by females offered a choice of different sized hosts (treatments 1 and 2) and the second concerning females offered different sized host sequentially (treatments 3-6; in all cases, they gained oviposition experience when offered the first host which then had the potential to influence their behaviour in relation to the second host offered). All treatments were run at the same time but, to aid interpretation, we describe them below in relation to the question being asked.
This question was answered by comparing between two treatments; specifically, between maternal females that were either reared on Antheraea pernyi (treatment 1) or Dictyoploca japonica (treatment 2) before being offered a choice of eggs from both lepidopteran species, for oviposition. One maternal adult (3–5 days) reared on either A. pernyi or D. japonica was introduced into a cylindrical rearing box (height: 5 cm, diameter: 5 cm) containing twenty A. pernyi eggs and twenty D. japonica eggs at 26±0.5 °C. After 24 hours, the eggs of both host species were collected and placed individually into polyethylene tubes (height: 7.5 cm; diameter: 1 cm) plugged with cotton and incubated at 28±0.5 °C until adult parasitoids emerged. The number and sex of offspring was recorded after eclosion. Since A. disparis is haplodiploid, virgin females lay 100% unfertilized eggs, which develop into males, while mated females lay a mixture of unfertilized and fertilized eggs, the latter of which develop into females. Therefore, any replicates resulting in 100% male offspring were assumed to be from unmated maternal adults and were excluded from subsequent statistical analysis. Thirty replicates of maternal adults were tested for each treatment (60 in total).
This question was answered by comparing amongst four treatments in which maternal females, reared either in A. pernyi or D. japonica, were offered eggs of one or other of the lepidopteran species in sequence, i.e. first A. pernyii eggs and then D. japonica eggs or vice versa: all combinations (i.e. the four treatments, 3-6) and total replicates per treatment combination can be seen in Table
Host species on which the maternal parasitoid had been reared | Sequence of parasitism | |
First A. pernyi eggs then D. japonica eggs | First D. japonica eggs then A. pernyi eggs | |
A. pernyi eggs | 73 (treatment 3) | 77 (treatment 4) |
D. japonica eggs | 66 (treatment 5) | 64 (treatment 6) |
The sex ratio of the parasitoid offspring was represented as the proportion of males (male divided by male+female). Sex ratios of offspring reared from the different host species (for each treatment), and the egg sizes of the two different host species, were compared using independent T-tests in the statistical package SPSS version 20, after arcsin (sqrt) transformation of the raw proportion data. For the whole experiment with simultaneous presentation of both host species in treatment 1 and 2, sex ratios and numbers of offspring reared from the different host species were compared by General Linear Model (GLM) with Univariate tests and Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs). For the effect of oviposition experience (hosts presented with different sequences), results from the whole experiment (treatment 3-6) were analyzed by GLM with Multivaritate tests. The confidence interval for all tests was set at 95%.
The eggs of A. pernyi (2.94±0.02 mm) were significantly larger than the eggs of D. japonica (2.31±0.02 mm; t=24.44, df=58, p<0.001).
When maternal A. disparis that had been reared on A. pernyi eggs encountered A. pernyi and D. japonica eggs simultaneously (treatment 1), the proportion of male offspring emerging from A. pernyi eggs was 9.35±1.87% and the proportion emerging from D. japonica eggs was 44.53±8.34% (Fig.
The total number of offspring emerging from A. pernyi eggs parasitized by maternal A. disparis from host A. pernyi or D. japonica were 7.27±0.62 and 7.00±0.79, respectively. The total number of offspring emerging from D. japonica eggs parasitized by maternal A. disparis from host A. pernyi or D. japonica were 3.53±0.69 and 2.97±0.55, respectively. Analysis showed that the total offspring number laid by the two kinds of females varied little (F=0.387, df=1, 116, p=0.535), This was consistent in the treatments where eggs of the two hosts were presented sequentially and so we only report total numbers here. However, there was a significant difference between the two parasitized host species (F=33.634, df=1, 116, p<0.001).
When maternal A. disparis reared on A. pernyi eggs were first offered A. pernyi eggs and then D. japonica eggs (treatment 3) a significantly higher proportion of male offspring emerged from D. japonica eggs (28.02±3.20%) than A. pernyi eggs (7.65±0.65%; t=-6.640, df=72, p<0.001) (Fig.
When maternal A. disparis reared on D. japonica eggs were first offered A. pernyi eggs and then D. japonica eggs (treatment 5) a significantly higher proportion of male offspring emerged from D. japonica eggs (34.37±3.42%) than from A. pernyi eggs (7.57±1.09%; t=-8.570, df=65, p<0.001).
When maternal A. disparis reared on A. pernyi eggs were first offered D. japonica eggs and then A. pernyi eggs (treatment 4) there was no significant difference in the proportion of male offspring emerging from D. japonica eggs (10.33±0.93%) compared with the proportion emerging from A. pernyi eggs (8.93±0.93%; t=1.137, df=76, p>0.05).
When maternal A. disparis reared on D. japonica eggs were first offered D. japonica eggs and then A. pernyi eggs (treatment 6) there was no significant difference in the proportion of male offspring emerging from A. pernyi eggs (9.07±0.92%) compared with the proportion emerging from D. japonica eggs (8.19±0.80%; t=-0.754, df=63, p>0.05).
In both treatments in which the maternal adults had been reared on A. pernyi eggs (treatments 3 and 4), the proportion of A. disparis male offspring emerging from D. japonica eggs was significantly higher when the female had previous oviposition experience on A. pernyi eggs (28.02±3.20%; treatment 3), than when they had no previous oviposition experience (10.33±0.93%; t=5.02, df=148, p<0.001; treatment 4) (Fig.
Proportion of male offspring from female A. disparis with different prior oviposition experience. Bars with different lowercase letters are significantly different from each other from the General Linear Models with Multivariate tests analysis (p<0.001). A3 and D3 represent host A. pernyi eggs and D. japonica eggs in treatment 3, respectively; A4 and D4 represent two hosts in treatment 4; A5 and D5 represent two hosts in treatment 5; A6 and D6 represent two hosts in treatment 6.
When treatments 3-6 were put into a 2×2 GLM analysis, ie, the first factor being mother (emerged from A. pernyi or D. japonica) and the second factor being ‘when experienced’ (first or second order), and the offspring sex ratios of A. disparis from A. pernyi eggs and D. japonica eggs were regarded as two dependent variables, respectively, several interesting results were observed. The first was that the offspring sex ratios were not different across the first and second broods, regardless of host species (F=0.494, df=2, 275 p=0.61), i.e., mothers (natal experience) either from A. pernyi or D. japonica had little influence on offspring sex ratios. The second was that the offspring sex ratios differed for the D. japonica between different orders (F=6.944, df=1, 276, p<0.01), but were similar for the A. pernyi regardless of the oviposition experience of the maternal adult (F=1.480, df=1, 276, p=0.225). Moreover, host species (natal) and order (oviposition experience) interacted in above treatments (F=34.835, df=2, 275, p<0.001), and the main contributor was D. japonica (F=62.773, df=1, 276 p<0.001).
Natal host can influence parasitoid host preference, handling time and sex allocation behaviour.
In theory, the sex (usually female) that benefits most from larger size should be placed in larger hosts (host quality-dependent sex allocation theory) (
We also found that sex allocation in A. disparis was affected by oviposition experience. For instance, the proportion of male offspring emerging from D. japonica eggs parasitized by females with oviposition experience of A. pernyi eggs, was significantly higher than the proportion of males emerging from D. japonica eggs parasitized by females that had no oviposition experience. We speculate that females can judge current host size from oviposition experience of previously parasitized hosts. If females have laid eggs in A. pernyi eggs, then when they subsequently encounter D. japonica eggs, the female would compare the host quality (host size) of the D. japonica eggs with its stored oviposition memory of A. pernyi eggs (
In conclusion, sex allocation in A. disparis females fitted with the predictions of condition-dependent sex allocation theory in parasitoids (
Further studies with longer intervals between oviposition on different host species should be performed to evaluate the effects of learning and memory in this species.
Great thanks to Dr David Shuker for his very constructive suggestions on the manuscript, especially on the statistical analysis. Thanks also to Professor Yong-An Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Forestry and Chuan-Zhen Wang of the Yantai Forest Protection Station for their valuable help. This study was co-supported by grants from the State Forestry Administration (200904029) and Hebei University (2010-205).