Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jean-Luc Boevé ( ) Academic editor: Marko Prous
© 2018 Jean-Luc Boevé, Diego F. Domínguez, David R. Smith.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Boevé J, Domínguez D, Smith D (2018) Sawflies from northern Ecuador and a checklist for the country (Hymenoptera: Argidae, Orussidae, Pergidae, Tenthredinidae, Xiphydriidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 64: 1-24.
An illustrated list of species of sawflies collected in northern Ecuador, mainly during the end of 2016, is given. Manaos mulsus (Konow, 1906), Ptenos delta (Malaise, 1957), Scobina styx Malaise, 1949 (Argidae), Stromboceros suppar Konow, 1903 and Stromboceros sutilis Konow, 1903 (Tenthredinidae) are species new for the country. A checklist of species for the country is also provided. Approximately 120 species of Symphyta are known from Ecuador, 25 Argidae, 1 Orussidae, about 40 Pergidae, about 60 Tenthredinidae, and 3 Xiphydriidae.
Species list, adult feeding behaviour, host plant, South America
As a hotspot of biodiversity, Ecuador includes various environments harbouring many species still to be discovered, especially among the insects (e.g.,
Here, an illustrated list is given for sawfly adults from the northern part of Ecuador, which were collected in the frame of a Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) project. We also compiled data and list the sawfly species known for the country.
Sawflies were collected in the north-eastern (province Orellana) and north-western (Pichincha) sides of Ecuador, mainly during November 2016 (Fig.
Pictures were taken by J.-L. Boevé with the following cameras: Pentax Optio W10, Nikon Coolpix P300, and Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Since adult specimens are kept in ethanol, they were partly dried to take the pictures, which were mainly intended to illustrate the habitus. Specimens of each species collected in 2015 and 2016 were photographed (Figs
Pictures taken in the field, showing some biotopes and sawfly adults from northern Ecuador. Location a–g Yasuni National Park h Pacto i–m Hacienda San Vicente, Mindo. Leaves of b Anthurium sp. and c Heliconia sp., inspected by d Proselandria alvina and e–g probably Manaos mammeatus, respectively h Biotope where Waldheimia sp. A was common i Biotope of pasture (with orchard in the foreground) where, among others j Inea sp. (P4239.E) and k Waldheimia sp. A were collected l Biotope of forest path m with the precise spot where Stromboceros sutilis (P4239.G) was collected.
The sawfly specimens collected as part of the GTI project are stored in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium (
The adult sawflies were identified by D. R. Smith. Identifications of Argidae and Pergidae are based on
Estación científica Yasuní, near río Tiputini, 00°40'S, 076°24'W, 220m, 02.03.2015, P4119.B (1 ♀), leg. T. Delsinne, 14–16.11.2016, on leaf of Heliconia sp. (Heliconiaceae), P4217.A, P4220.A, P4220.B, P4222, P4223.C, P4223.D (6 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, 00°40'S, 076°27'W, 235, 13.11.2016, on leaf of Anthurium sp. (Araceae), P4214.G (1 ♀), 00°33'S, 076°31'W, 260m, 14.11.2016, on leaf of Heliconia sp., P4216 (1 ♂), 00°40'S, 076°27'W, 250m, 15.11.2016, on leaf of Anthurium sp., P4221.D (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, near río Tiputini, 00°40'S, 076°24'W, 220m, 02.03.2015, P4119.C (1 ♀), leg. T. Delsinne.
Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°08'N, 078°38'W, 1300m, 25.11.2016, P4238.A (1 ♀), P4238.F, P4238.H (2 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Mindo Lindo, 00°01'S, 078°46'W, 1680m, 27.11.2016, flying, P4241.B (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°08'N, 078°38'W, 1300m, 25.11.2016, P4238.D, P4238.E (2 ♀), P4238.L (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1445, 26.11.2016, flying along pasture, P4239.F (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
This is a new record for Ecuador. It was previously known only from northern Argentina (
Estación científica Yasuní, 00°33'S, 076°31'W, 260m, 15.11.2016, on leaf of Heliconia sp., P4219.A (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé; Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°07'N, 078°38'W, 1380m, 25.11.2016, on leaf of Melastomataceae, P4236 (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, near río Tiputini, 00°40'S, 076°24'W, 220m, 02.03.2015, P4119.A (1 ♂), leg. T. Delsinne; Estación científica Yasuní, 00°36'S, 076°30'W, 240m, 14.11.2016, by sweeping, P4215.H (1 ♀), P4215.J (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, 00°36'S, 076°30'W, 240m, 14.11.2016, flying above plants of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae), P4215.A, P4215.B (2 ♂), by sweeping, P4215.D (1 ♂), on fern, P4215.F (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé, by sweeping, P4215.I (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé, 00°33'S, 076°31'W, 260m, 15.11.2016, on leaf of Heliconia sp., P4218 (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°02'S, 078°46'W, 1420m, 23.11.2016, on leaf along pasture, P4227.A (1 ♂), 1470m, 23.11.2016, on fern along forest path, P4227.B (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé, 1480m, 23.11.2016, P4231.A (1 ♂), leg. D. F. Dominguez, J.-L. Boevé, 1420m, 23.11.2016, by sweeping along pasture, P4232.A (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Pacto, 00°09'N, 078°46'W, 1105, 24.11.2016, flying or on leaf, P4233.A, P4233.B, P4233.C, P4233.D, P4233.E, P4233.F (6 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé, P4233.G, P4233.H (2 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°08'N, 078°38'W, 1260m, 25.11.2016, flying above low plants, P4235.A, P4237.B (2 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1375, 26.11.2016, flying above and on low plants along pasture, P4239.B, P4239.C (2 ♂), 1415m, 26.11.2016, flying along pasture, P4239.D (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Reserva Otongachi, 00°19'S, 078°57'W, 925, 19.11.2016, on fern in forest, P4224 (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé; Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve, 00°02'S, 078°44'W, 1945, 22.11.2016, on Anthurium sp., P4226.A (1 ♂), 00°02'S, 078°45'W, 1890m, 22.11.2016, on leaf, P4226.B (1 ♂), 00°02'S, 078°45'W, 1820m, 22.11.2016, flying quite frantically, P4226.D (1 ♂), 00°02'S, 078°45'W, 1820m, 22.11.2016, on leaf, P4226.E (1 ♂), 00°02'S, 078°45'W, 1775m, 22.11.2016, flying around a large fern, P4226.F (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°45'W, 1520m, 23.11.2016, flying around a fern along forest path, P4227.C, P4227.D, P4227.E, P4227.F (4 ♂), 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1470m, 23.11.2016, on leaf along forest path, P4229 (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1500m, 23.11.2016, by sweeping along forest path, P4230.A, P4230.B, P4230.C, P4230.D, P4230.E, P4230.F, P4230.G, P4230.H, P4230.I (9 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1480m, 23.11.2016, P4231.B, P4231.C (2 ♂), leg. D. F. Dominguez, J.-L. Boevé, 00°02'S, 078°46'W, 1420m, 23.11.2016, by sweeping along pasture, P4232.B (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Pacto, Río Toalí, 00°09'N, 078°45'W, 1000m, 24.11.2016, P4234 (1 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°08'N, 078°38'W, 1260m, 25.11.2016, flying above low plants, P4235.B, P4237.A (2 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé, 1300m, 25.11.2016, P4238.G, P4238.I (2 ♀), P4238.J, P4238.K (2 ♂), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1375m, 26.11.2016, on leaf along pasture, P4239.A (1 ♂), 1415m, 26.11.2016, on leaf of Rubus (Rosaceae) along pasture, P4239.E (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé; Mindo, Mindo Lindo, 00°01'S, 078°46'W, 1680m, 27.11.2016, flying, P4241.A (1 ♀), P4240.A, P4240.B, P4240.C, P4240.D (4 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé, 00°01'S, 078°46'W, 1680m, 27.11.2016, P4241.D (1 ♀), P4241.C, P4241.E, P4241.F, P4241.G (4 ♂), 1635m, 27.11.2016, on leaf (forest clearing), P4241.H, P4241.I (2 ♂), leg. D. F. Dominguez, J.-L. Boevé, 1680m, 27.11.2016, flying just above the ground, P4242.A (1 ♂), 27.11.2016, by sweeping, P4242.B (1 ♂), 27.11.2016, flying, P4242.C, P4243 (2 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, 00°40'S, 076°27'W, 235m, 13.11.2016, on leaf of Anthurium sp., P4214.A, P4214.D (2 ♀), P4214.B, P4214.C, P4214.E, P4214.F (4 ♂), 00°36'S, 076°30'W, 240m, 14.11.2016, on fern, P4215.G (1 ♂), 00°40'S, 076°27'W, 250m, 15.11.2016, on leaf of Anthurium sp., P4221.A, P4221.C (2 ♀), on leaf of Melastomataceae, P4221.B (1 ♀), near río Tiputini, 00°40'S, 076°24'W, 230m, 16.11.2016, on leaf of Heliconia sp., P4223.B (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Estación científica Yasuní, 00°33'S, 076°31'W, 260m, 15.11.2016, on leaf of Melastomataceae, P4219.B (1 ♂), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
Nanegal, Reserva Biológica Maquipucana, 00°08'N, 078°38'W, 1300m, 25.11.2016, P4238.C (1 ♀), leg. A. Pauly, J.-L. Boevé.
Mindo, Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°46'W, 1465m, 26.11.2016, on fern along forest path, P4239.G (1 ♀), leg. J.-L. Boevé.
The following checklist (Table
The following species are unplaced Tenthredinidae that have been described from Ecuador, but the correct combination has not yet been published or they are unpublished synonyms of species listed above (Smith, unpublished). Placement and synonymies will be made in papers in preparation.
Taxon | Occurrence | Host |
Family Argidae | ||
Acrogymnidea udata D.R. Smith, 1992 | Described | |
Atomacera lobula D.R. Smith, 1992 | Described | |
Atomacera pubicornis (Fabricius, 1804) | Recorded by |
Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae) ( |
Dielocerus fasciatus (Enderlein, 1919) | Described |
Sclerolobium paniculatum (Fabaceae) ( |
Manaos mammeatus (Konow, 1906b) | Recorded by |
Manaos mulsus (Konow, 1906b) | New record in this paper | |
Manaos toula D.R. Smith, 1992 | Described | |
Neoptilia liturata (Konow, 1903a) | Described |
Sida rhombifolia (Malvaceae) ( |
Ptenos delta (Malaise, 1957) | New record in this paper | |
Ptenos leucopoda (Cameron, 1883) | Recorded by |
Scobina bolivari (Konow, 1899a) | Recorded by |
Scobina inculta (Konow, 1906a) | Recorded by |
Scobina lurida (Klug, 1834) | Recorded by |
Scobina nigripennis (Enderlein, 1919) | Described | |
Scobina notaticollis (Konow, 1899a) | Recorded by |
Scobina strophosa (Konow, 1906a) | Recorded by |
Scobina styx Malaise, 1949 | New record in this paper | |
Scobina terminalis (Klug, 1814) | Recorded by |
Sericoceros dimidiatus Konow, 1908 | Recorded by |
Sericoceros ecuadoriensis (Enderlein, 1919) | Described | |
Sericoceros gibbus (Klug, 1834) | Recorded by |
Coccoloba spp. (Polygonaceae) ( |
Themos laqueatus (Enderlein, 1919) | Described | |
Themos ochreus D.R. Smith, 1992 | Described | |
Themos semiadusta (Enderlein, 1919) | Described | |
Themos surinamensis (Klug, 1814) | Recorded by |
Ceiba pentandra (Malvaceae), Thespesia populnea (Malvaceae) ( |
Family Orussidae | ||
Ophrynopus nigricans (Cameron, 1883) | Recorded by |
Family Pergidae | ||
Acordulecera spp. | This is a large genus in the Neotropics. At least 25 or more species probably occur in Ecuador (Smith, unpublished; estimate from material in USNM) | |
Aulacomerus ecuadoriensis (Enderlein, 1919) | Described | |
Camptoprium sp. | Unidentified species recorded by |
Decameria carbo (Malaise, 1937) | Described | |
Decameria noxua D.R. Smith, 1990 | Described | |
Decameria varipes Cameron, 1883 | Recorded by |
Haplostegus subclavatus Malaise, 1942 | Described | |
Lagideus kolonus D.R. Smith, 1990 | Described | |
Lagideus podocarpus D.R. Smith, 2016 (in |
Described |
Fuchsia vulcanica (Onagraceae) ( |
Lagideus romius D.R. Smith, 1990 | Described | |
Perreyia fumipennis (Westwood, 1874) | Recorded by |
Perreyia nigriceps (Westwood, 1874) | Recorded by |
Perreyia picea (Westwood, 1874) | Recorded by |
Perreyia tropica (Norton, 1869) | Recorded by |
Larvae travel in groups on the ground and feed on dead leaves and probably fungi ( |
Perreyiella sp. | Unidentified species recorded by |
Family Tenthredinidae | ||
Subfamily Allantinae | ||
Probleta columbianus (Enderlein, 1920) | Recorded by |
Subfamily Blennocampinae | ||
Metapedias torva (Konow, 1899a) | Described | |
Metapedias spp. | At least two undescribed species are known (Smith, unpublished) | |
Synaptoneura vopida D.R. Smith, 1973 | Described | |
Waldheimia atripennis (Fabricius, 1804) | Recorded by |
Waldheimia erebus (W.F. Kirby, 1882) | Recorded by |
Waldheimia galerita Konow, 1904 | Described | |
Waldheimia ochra (Norton, 1867) | Recorded by |
Waldheimia pallens (Klug, 1816) | Not before recorded (Smith, unpublished) | |
Waldheimia pellucida Konow, 1904 | Recorded by |
Waldheimia sulphurea (Fabricius, 1804) | Not before recorded (Smith, unpublished) | |
Waldheimia spp. | At least seven or more undescribed species are known (Smith, unpublished) | |
Subfamily Nematinae | ||
Pristiphora fernandezi D.R. Smith, 2003 | Recorded by |
Subfamily Selandriinae | ||
Adiaclema blandulum (Enderlein, 1920) | Described | |
Adiaclema calvescens Enderlein, 1920 | Not before recorded (Smith, unpublished) | |
Adiaclema maculipennis (Cameron, 1883) | Not before recorded (Smith, unpublished) | |
Adiaclema tetricum (Konow, 1908) | Recorded by |
Adiaclema spp. | Several undescribed species occur (Smith, unpublished) | |
Andeana farcta (Konow, 1900) | Described | |
Aneugmenus merida D.R. Smith, 2005 | Described |
Pteridium aqulinum (Dennstaedtiaceae) ( |
Aneugmenus sp. | An unidentified species was recorded by |
Belea nigripennis (Konow, 1908) | Described | |
Bolivius notabilis (Konow, 1899b) | Recorded by |
Dochmioglene spp. | Possibly several undescribed species from Ecuador (Smith, unpublished) | |
Inea spp. | Probably two or more undescribed species are known (Smith, unpublished) | |
Neoanapeptamena nitida (Strand, 1911) | Described | |
Neoanapeptamena sp. | Probably an undescribed species (Smith, unpublished) | |
Plaumanniana biclinia (Konow, 1899b) | Recorded by |
Plaumanniana spp. | Three or four other species occur in Ecuador (Smith, unpublished) | |
Proselandria alvina (Konow, 1899b) | Recorded by |
Proselandria carminea (Jörgensen, 1913) | Recorded by |
Stromboceridea albilabris (Konow, 1885) | Recorded by |
Stromboceridea spp. | Possibly two or three undescribed species (Smith, unpublished) | |
Tioloma nigrita Strand, 1911 | Described | |
Family Xiphydriidae | ||
Derecyrta andrei Konow, 1897 | Described | |
Derecyrta flavescens D.R. Smith, 2004 | Described | |
Derecyrta striatifrons Malaise, 1942 | Described |
Waldheimia ochreiventris Enderlein, 1920 (Blennocampinae).
Blennocampa albofemoralis Cameron, 1883; Hylotoma analis Fabricius, 1804; Stromboceros cruralis Konow, 1899b; Stromboceros liscivus Konow, 1908; Stromboceros suppar Konow, 1903b; Stromboceros sutilis Konow, 1903b; Stromboceros torquatus Konow, 1903b; Stromboceros ustipennis Konow, 1899b; Strongylogaster ecuadoriensis Enderlein, 1920; Strongylogaster giganteus Enderlein, 1920; Strongylogaster longicornis Enderlein, 1920; Strongylogaster murcivena Enderlein, 1920; Strongylogaster obliquevenosa
Sawfly adults were mainly found in shadowed places. Plants such as Anthurium and Heliconia have large leaves (Fig.
During the three-week field trip in north-western and north-eastern Ecuador, only a single larva was collected, in Mindo (Hacienda San Vicente, 00°03'S, 078°45'W, 1530m, 23.11.2016, P4228, leg. J.-L. Boevé; Fig.
We thank Thibaut Delsinne (Société d’Histoire Naturelle Alcide-d’Orbigny, Aubière, France) and Alain Pauly (
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