Research Article |
Corresponding author: Miriam H. Richards ( ) Academic editor: Jack Neff
© 2015 Miriam H. Richards, Tom M. Onuferko, Sandra M. Rehan.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Richards MH, Onuferko TO, Rehan SM (2015) Phenological, but not social, variation associated with climate differences in a eusocial sweat bee, Halictus ligatus, nesting in southern Ontario. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 43: 19-44.
Studies of annual and geographic variation in eusocial bee populations suggest that more stringent environmental conditions result in stronger reproductive skew favouring queens, while moderate conditions favour increasing worker reproduction. To test these predictions, we compared the phenology and colony development of H. ligatus nesting in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada to a previously studied aggregation 90 km north of St. Catharines, in Victoria, Ontario. Despite the close proximity of these two locations, St. Catharines has markedly shorter winters and longer summers. Comparisons between St. Catharines in 2006 and Victoria in the 1980s and 1990s incorporate both geographic differences in climate and temporal differences due to climate change. We predicted that St. Catharines foundress queens should emerge from hibernation and initiate nests earlier in spring, giving them time to produce more workers. Since earlier studies indicated that queens have difficulty suppressing worker reproduction in larger colonies, we also predicted higher rates of worker ovarian development in St. Catharines. In spring and summer 2006, we excavated 65 H. ligatus nests, comparing their contents to 713 specimens collected in pan traps. As predicted, nests were initiated about a month earlier in St. Catharines than in Victoria, but contrary to prediction, fewer workers were produced in St. Catharines. St. Catharines workers were just as likely to have developed ovaries as Victoria workers. About 40% of St. Catharines workers were classified as reproductive, and larger reproductive workers tended to have higher ovarian scores. Early queen mortality in the longer nest cycle of St. Catharines bees may have enhanced opportunities for worker reproduction despite their smaller numbers. Novel features of H. ligatus sociobiology in St. Catharines included evidence that queens can initiate new nests following the loss of their first brood, overlap between worker and gyne production within some nests, and high rates of independent nest founding by worker-sized females, suggesting that many worker-brood females overwinter. Overall, the distinctly warmer climate of St. Catharines compared to Victoria led to earlier nest initiation and lengthening of the flight season, but not to the predicted differences in colony social organisation or queen-worker reproductive skew. A second objective of our study was to assess how well pan trap collections capture important information about demographic and social parameters important in assessing social variability in sweat bees. Nest excavations and pan traps produced similar results, suggesting that pan traps are a good alternative when nest excavations are impossible.
Halictinae , social evolution, geographic variation, pan trap, worker reproduction
Eusociality is the most frequent, caste-based form of colony social organisation in sweat bees (Halictidae) (
Halictus ligatus Say is one of the most widespread eusocial bees in North America, and together with its closely related and morphologically cryptic sister species, H. poeyi Lepeletier, represents a spectrum of queen-worker reproductive skew from high skew at high latitudes to low skew at lower latitudes (
The social variation observed within a single population of H. ligatus in response to temporal variation in local environmental conditions, supports the view that much or most social variation is due to phenotypic plasticity. Temperature and breeding season length are among the most important factors influencing colony social variation, because almost all eusocial halictines must produce at least two broods per year, whereas solitary halictines need produce only one brood per year (
In the current study, we examined the phenology and colony development of H. ligatus at a nesting aggregation in St. Catharines, in the Niagara region of southern Ontario in 2006. St. Catharines is about 90 km south of Victoria, Ontario, but has markedly shorter and milder winters and longer summers (Table
Geographic variation in temperature and precipitation patterns in St. Catharines and Victoria, as indicated by climate normals for the period 1981–2010. Climate data were obtained from for the St. Catharines A and Orangeville stations ( Bees nesting in St. Catharines experience considerably shorter winters and longer flight seasons and higher temperatures, especially during the spring. Precipitation patterns are very similar at the two sites. Degree-days represent the number of days per year in which the temperature exceeds the given average temperature. Note that H. ligatus foragers cannot fly at temperatures below 14 °C (M.H. Richards, pers. obs.).
Event, 1981–2010 | St. Catharines | Victoria (Orangeville) |
Average date of last spring frost | 24 April | 20 May |
Average date of first autumn frost | 21 October | 30 September |
Average length of frost-free period (days) | 179 | 132 |
Days with minimum temperature above 0 °C | 238.1 | 194.6 |
Degree-days above 15 °C | 656.2 | 403.5 |
Degree-days above 18 °C | 334.9 | 169.2 |
Rainfall (mm) | 754.2 | 750.1 |
Snowfall (cm) | 137.1 | 151.5 |
Total precipitation (mm) | 880.1 | 901.5 |
Days with precipitation >0.2mm, April–September | 71.6 | 66.7 |
Collecting detailed field observations of colonises is very important in studies of demographic and social variation among sweat bee nesting aggregations, but nesting aggregations can be difficult to locate, a serious impediment to extensive comparisons among populations. An alternative source of demographic data, season-long collections of bees in pan traps, is widespread, but mostly aimed at assessing variation in abundance and diversity of entire bee communities (e.g.
Nest excavation techniques for H. ligatus nesting in St. Catharines, were as previously described (
Pan trapping techniques and locations were as previously described (
All adult females (N = 171) collected from nests were measured and dissected to determine head width, wing length, mandibular wear, wing wear, ovarian development, and whether they had mated. In addition, 133 females collected from nests as larvae or pupae and reared to pupation or adulthood, were measured. We also measured head width and wing wear and dissected 153 of the 463 females collected in pans. Most of these dissected specimens were queens collected in mid-May (week 4), workers in mid-July to mid-August (weeks 13–16), and a mix of workers and early gynes in late August (week 19). The procedures for dissections and measurements followed those used in previous studies (e.g.
In eusocial sweat bees, caste is associated with differences in behaviour, body size, wear, and ovarian development (
Assignment of caste to females caught in pan traps was also based on the above criteria, as well as comparisons to the colony development phenology inferred from nest excavations. Adult females collected before week 10 were categorized as queens. From weeks 10–16 onwards, all females caught in pan traps were designated as workers because gynes had not yet eclosed in excavated nests. It is possible that some of the small, worn females captured at this time were not workers, but very late-foraging small queens or subordinate foundresses that continued foraging after worker emergence (
We checked our initial caste assignments in two ways. We used Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to examine differentiation among queens, workers, and gynes. Bees collected in nests and pans were analysed separately. For nest bees, the PCA was based on head width, total wear, and ovarian development, whereas for pan-trapped bees, the PCA was based on head width, wing wear, and ovarian development. The PCA analyses were carried out using the princomp function on the rescaled variables in R version 2.15.0. Visual inspection of the principal components plots indicated general separation of the castes. We also used Discriminant Functions Analysis (DFA) to examine the caste classifications of individual females using the lda and predict functions (R, library MASS). For 171 queens, workers, and gynes collected in nest excavations, a DFA based on head width, wing length, and wear (TW) (but not ovarian development) produced a list of 22 females that were re-classified to a different caste. Of these, 12 reclassifications were wholly implausible given the time of collection (queens collected before worker emergence cannot reasonably be reclassified as workers or gynes), but 10 reclassifications of females collected from week 16 onward (workers that might have been gynes, and vice versa) were incorporated into the data set. We then combined the nest and pan trap bees for a second DFA to classify females collected from week 16 onward (based on HW, WW, and TOD), as these were the most difficult to assign. Females whose caste was initially assigned as ‘unknown’ and which were still unclassifiable after the DFA, were excluded from statistical analyses in which caste was a factor.
In eusocial sweat bees, size differentiation between castes is often measured by proportional differences between queens and workers. We calculated queen-worker differences as [(queen value – worker value) / queen value] × 100. Proportional differences were compared for queens and daughters from their own nests or using the average queen and worker trait values within the nest and pan-trapped individuals separately.
Where parametric statistics are presented, these were based on model statements which generated error terms with normal distributions. The response variables in general linear models were cardinal variables (e.g. head width, ovarian development). Where it was not possible to achieve normally distributed error terms using standard data transformations and where ordinal variables (e.g. wing wear) were analysed, we used non-parametric statistics. All analyses were carried in R-Studio, using R, version 2.15.1. Except where otherwise noted, degrees of freedom (df) = 1.
The data underpinning the analyses reported in this paper are deposited in the Dryad Data Repository at doi: 10.5061/dryad.vm11c.
We excavated 67 nests excavated in St. Catharines from May to August 2006 (weeks 5 to 19). The contents of excavated nests were used to infer the timing of brood production and development (Figure
Nests excavated in weeks 5–6 contained pollen masses, eggs, and small larvae. Pupae were first detected in week 8, and by week 9 very few Brood 1 provision masses were being constructed, so worker brood provisioning was mostly complete. In weeks 8 and 9, the apparent peak of Brood 1 production, nests contained an average of 5.5 ± 3.2 (SD) brood (range = 1 to 10, n = 14 nests). Based on 21 sexable pupae collected during this 2-week period, 9.5% of brood were males (n = 2).
Nests excavated from week 11 onward contained juveniles representing both broods. Pollen masses attributed to Brood 2 were collected from weeks 11–16. Gyne provision masses, which are identifiable by their distinctive saddle shape (
Evidence for simultaneous production of workers and gynes in three nests of Halictus ligatus based on ages of pupae, which indicate that some worker pupae were younger than gyne pupae in the same nest. Caste was assigned based on head width; the sizes of adult workers from the same nests are shown for comparison. Individuals born “out of order” are indicated in boldface.
Week | Date | Nest | Developmental stage when collected (oldest to youngest) | Head width (mm) | Caste |
14 | 25-Jul-06 | 45 | Adult | 2.75 | W |
Adult | 2.45 | W | |||
Black-eyed pupa | 2.35 | W | |||
Brown-eyed pupa | 3.20 | G | |||
Red-eyed pupa | 2.68 | W | |||
Pink-eyed pupa | 2.73 | W | |||
White-eyed pupa | 3.20 | G | |||
Prepupa | 3.01 | G | |||
Prepupa | 3.15 | G | |||
17 | 14-Aug-06 | 271 | Adult | 2.59 | W |
Adult | 2.54 | W | |||
Adult | 2.85 | W | |||
Adult | 2.85 | W | |||
Adult | 2.87 | W | |||
¾-pigmented pupa | 3.29 | G | |||
Black-eyed pupa | 3.15 | G | |||
Brown-eyed pupa | 2.82 | W | |||
White-eyed pupa | 2.96 | G | |||
17 | 15-Aug-06 | 278 | Adult | 2.73 | W |
Adult | 3.15 | G | |||
Black-eyed pupa | 3.01 | G | |||
Brown-eyed pupa | 2.45 | W |
The fact that many nests excavated from week 11 onward contained juveniles representing both broods, as well as the extended period of brood development, complicates evaluation of the number of offspring in Brood 2. That most juveniles found in nests during weeks 16–18 were probably members of Brood 2 is supported by the observation that provision masses were not found after week 16 and the earliest (oldest) individuals of Brood 2 began to eclose in week 17. During weeks 16–18, the average number of brood per nest was 9.9 ± 6.0 (range = 1–23, n = 19 nests), and 36 of 117 sexable pupae (31.0%) were male. The number of brood per nest began to decline around week 19 (Figure
Ten of 14 nests excavated in weeks 8 and 9 contained a queen, while 4 of 5 nests contained a queen in week 11. This suggests that up to 80% of queens survived to worker emergence. Only five of 16 nests excavated in weeks 16–18 contained queens, suggesting that only 31% survived to the end of Brood 2 egg-laying. Both these survival rates are likely over-estimates as we do not include nests that failed early in the season and therefore were not marked. During weeks 11 and 12, the first two weeks of the worker foraging period, excavated nests contained an average of 1.8 ± 1.6 adult workers (range 0–6, n = 10 nests). Later, during weeks 16–18, the average was 1.5 ± 1.6 (range 0–6, n = 19 nests), which was not significantly different (Kruskal-Wallis X2 = 0.615, df = 1, n.s.).
Rates of pleometrosis were inferred from demographic data. Only one nest contained two foundress queens; however, this nest was excavated on 5 July after Astata wasps had begun excavating burrows among the bee nests (
Two nests suggest the possibility that queens occasionally start new nests after losing the first one. A nest excavated in week 10 (29 June) contained only a large, worn female (HW = 2.92 mm, WW = 0, MW = 5) but no brood cells, so the nest may have been newly founded. A nest excavated in week 11 contained a worn adult female of intermediate size (HW = 2.82, WW = 2, MW = 5), as well as an unfinished provision mass, a provision mass with an egg, and two larvae, but no workers or empty brood cells.
The numbers of bees caught in weekly pan trap collections were used to infer the timing of important events in the colony cycle of Halictus ligatus in 2006 (Figure
Unworn workers were trapped from late June to late July, suggesting that in most nests, Brood 1 completed development as adults during weeks 10–14, about 7 weeks after provisioning by queens. Worn workers were collected until the last week of trapping in early September (week 20), except for an apparent hiatus during week 15, suggesting that population-wide, the worker foraging period was at least 10 weeks in duration. Males trapped during weeks 10–14 were likely produced in Brood 1; based on the proportional representation of males and workers in pan traps during weeks 10–14, about 8.3% of Brood 1 were males and 91.7% were workers. The first gynes were trapped in mid-August (week 17), signalling the beginning of Brood 2 emergence 6–7 weeks after initiation of worker provisioning. The largest numbers of gynes and males were caught in late August and early September (weeks 19–20), suggesting that most of Brood 2 eclosed as adults around this time. Males and gynes were caught as late as the end of September (week 23), when pan-trapping ceased. During weeks 16–18, the period for which the Brood 2 sex ratio was estimated from nest data based on pupae, the majority (40 / 44) of females trapped were workers; since most gynes were still pupae, this period was too early to estimate the Brood 2 sex ratio from pan trap collections. During weeks 19–21, gynes represented 42.8% (24/56) of dissected females, indicating that they were emerging in large numbers. Applying this proportion to the total 404 females caught in weeks 19–21, we collected about 173 gynes and 324 males, suggesting that the Brood 2 sex ratio was about 65%.
PCA outcomes for females collected in nests and pans are presented in Figure
Principal components analyses (PCA) indicating caste differentiation and supporting caste classifications of female Halictus ligatus collected in nests and pan traps. The histograms are scree plots indicating the significance of the first three prinicipal components for each analysis. The scatterplots indicate the relationship between the first two principal components for each analysis. PCA for nest bees was based on head width, total wear, and ovarian development, while that for pan trap bees was based on head width, wing wear, and ovarian development. Note the greater separation among queens (Q), workers (W), and gynes (G) in the nest sample.
More detailed comparisons of body size, wing wear, and ovarian development of queens, workers, and gynes collected from nests and pan traps are presented in Figure
Variation in head width, wing wear, and ovarian development among H. ligatus queens, workers, and gynes collected in nest excavations and pan traps in 2006. Box plots represent means and quartiles, with unfilled circles indicating outliers. Gynes were classified by their lack of wear or ovarian development (as well as by time of emergence), and are included here to emphasize the phenotypic differences among the three groups of females.
We then compared both head width and wing wear for nest and pan trapped bees combined, as well as mandibular wear for nest bees (Figure
Non-reproductive workers exhibited significantly higher wing wear scores, indicating that they flew more than reproductive workers (Kruskal-Wallis X2 = 42.11, p < 0.0001). However, they did not have significantly different mandibular wear scores (Kruskal-Wallis: X2 = 0.77, n.s.), suggesting that both non-reproductive and reproductive workers excavated brood cells and nest tunnels.
The colony cycle of Halictus ligatus was typical for this species and most temperate, eusocial halictids (
Colony social parameters compared between Halictus ligatus aggregations in St. Catharines, Ontario (current study) and Victoria, Ontario (Packer 1986;
Phenological or social trait | St. Catharines 2006 | Victoria 1984, 1990–91 |
Earliest spring foragers (queens) | 1 May | 21 May |
Earliest summer foragers (workers) | 14 June | 8 July |
Queen survival to peak production of Brood 2 | 31% (maximum) | 45–65% |
Proportion of pleometrotic nests | 7.1% | 10% |
Size of Brood 1 (n) | 5.1 | 5.8–9.0 |
Sex ratio of Brood 1 (% males) | 9.5% | 5–15% |
Number of Brood 1 females (n) | 4.7 | 5.2–8.5 |
Average no. of adult workers in summer | 3.9 | ≤4.5 |
Size of Brood 2 (n) | 7.9 | 12–15 |
Sex ratio of Brood 2 (% males) | 31% | 45% |
Queen–worker size difference |
16.5% | 11.4–15.8% |
Proportion of nest workers mated | 39% | 42–52% |
Proportion of nest workers with developing ovaries |
59% | 60% |
We predicted that earlier initiation of brood production in St. Catharines would result in a longer Brood 1 provisioning period, allowing queens time to produce more workers, eventually resulting in larger colony sizes. Spring nest initiation and brood provisioning by foundress queens, as well as worker emergence, were indeed considerably earlier in St. Catharines than in Victoria. In 2006, St. Catharines temperatures were warmer than average from January to July, which likely encouraged foundresses to initiate even earlier than usual. However, the nest excavation data indicated that contrary to prediction, Brood 1 was somewhat smaller in St. Catharines (Table
A possible consequence of the longer breeding season in St. Catharines was lower survival of queens past the peak of reproductive brood (Brood 2) production in August than observed in Victoria (Table
The frequency of pleometrotic nest-founding varies intra-specifically in Halictus ligatus. In the current study, the rate inferred from inspection of nest contents in St. Catharines was about 7%, while in Victoria, the average was similar and varied considerably from year to year (
Production of gynes in the first brood is well documented in the facultatively eusocial sweat bee, Halictus rubicundus (
In eusocial halictids, the potential for worker reproduction is well known, and in almost all known eusocial species, dissections of workers or genetic studies of relatedness suggest the potential for worker reproduction (
Worker reproduction in eusocial sweat bees and other social insects is often conceptualized in terms of queen-worker reproductive conflict, with worker reproduction resulting from the failure of queens to completely suppress worker oviposition (
Halictus poeyi is the morphologically cryptic sister species of Halictus ligatus. It has a much more southerly distribution, including subtropical and tropical regions (
The second major objective of this paper was to use pan trap collections as a source of information about demographic and social parameters important in assessing intra-specific social variation. Clearly, the best option for sociobiological data collection is to observe nest occupants in order to quantify behavioural interactions among nestmates and the nature of colony social organization. Unfortunately, nesting aggregations of eusocial sweat bees are difficult to find even where the bees are very common, so nest-based study is often impossible. The alternative is to collect bees outside their nests. For instance,
To what extent can we rely on pan trap data when nest data are completely unavailable? Some sociobiologically important information, namely data on colony sizes, numbers of workers, colony-specific sex ratios, and nestmate relatedness, simply cannot be obtained from specimens collected with pan traps; observations and collections from colonies are required. In our study, there was very close agreement between pan traps and nest collections in the timing of major events in colony development, such as Brood 1 provisioning by queens, Brood 2 provisioning by workers, and emergence of male and female brood. Our previous studies also showed good phenological agreement based on nest and pan data (
Other sociobiologically important parameters critical for comparing colony social organisation among populations or species, such as the proportion of mated workers, the proportion of workers with ovarian development, caste size dimorphism, and the Brood 1 sex ratio can also be obtained from pan trapped specimens. A second sociobiologically important parameter that is rarely estimated is Brood 2 sex ratio, which is difficult to measure because nest excavations rarely obtain complete second broods. We obtained good agreement between the Brood 1 sex ratio derived from nests (proportion of males, 9.5%) and that derived from pan traps (8.3%). However, the Brood 2 sex ratios derived from nests (31% males) and pan traps (65% males) were quite disparate, and it is difficult to determine which sex ratio is more accurate. The nest estimate may be biased by broods that were not complete at the time of excavation, either because the youngest brood had not yet been produced or because the oldest had already emerged and dispersed. However, both pan trapping and sweep netting probably underestimate the numbers of gynes in the population, because gynes enter hibernation shortly after emergence, whereas males spend the rest of their lives searching for flowers and females and thus are more likely to be trapped. In the current study, the Brood 2 sex ratio of 65% males based on pan traps was likely an over-estimate, because individual males had more chances to be caught.
For some kinds of demographic information, the pan trap data were arguably superior to the nest excavation data, because the use of a standardized pan trap protocol makes it possible to infer relative abundances of different groups of individuals across years or species. For instance, we can compare the pan trapping patterns and phenology of different species caught in the same pan traps, as this may reveal sociobiologically relevant, interspecific variation for species living in close proximity. To illustrate, we compare Halictus ligatus to Halictus confusus (Figure
Comparison of pan trapping phenologies of Halictus ligatus and H. confusus collected at the same sites in 2006. The three main flight periods are indicated, for queens (Q), workers (W), and the late summer mix of workers and gynes (G). Note the differences between species. In H. ligatus, more females were caught towards the end of the flight season (the gyne flight period), whereas in H. confusus, more females were caught in the middle of the flight season, during the worker foraging period. Week 1 was the last week of April, and week 11 was the first week of July.
A disadvantage of pan traps is that their attractiveness to bees seems to be inversely proportional to blossom availability (
Based on previous studies of geographical and annual variation in colony social organisation of Halictus ligatus, and evidence that this was due to local climatic variation, we predicted that in St. Catharines, the longer flight season would translate into earlier nest initiation, larger colony sizes and lower reproductive skew. Although earlier springs in St. Catharines clearly resulted in early nest initiation, the result seems to have been to shift the entire first phase of colony development forward, with no more workers being produced than if nests had been initiated a month later, as they were in Victoria. One reason for this may be that earlier onset of spring in St. Catharines is not associated with an increase in floral resources; ultimately the number of brood that a foundress queen produces may have more to do pollen and nectar availability than with temperatures. Within sites, warmer temperatures may be associated with increased floral resources, as seems to have been true in Victoria (
Earlier colony initiation in St. Catharines does not seem to have resulted in early completion of flight and nesting activity, so overall, the bee activity season was considerably longer than in Victoria. The longer colony season helps to explain why measures of queen-worker interactions and reproduction, such as the proportions of reproductive workers, were similar in the two sites and time periods, despite the phenological differences. This does not mean there were no behavioural differences between the sites. In St. Catharines, queens had fewer workers to contend with but died relatively sooner in the colony cycle, and the net result was rates of worker reproductivity as high as in Victoria. Another possible behavioural difference may be indicated by the observation that many St. Catharines queens were worker-sized. It is possible that extended flight seasons coupled with milder winters allow a greater proportion of worker-sized females to overwinter and found nests the following spring. Interestingly, the observed rate of pleometrosis was no higher in St. Catharines than in Victoria so higher overwintering survival for small females did not translate into higher rates of subordinacy in spring multifoundress assemblages. Global climate change will likely mean that nesting seasons for temperate bee populations become even more extended, affording late workers even more opportunities for reproduction.
We found that pan trapping bees throughout the breeding season was a useful complement to collections based on nest excavations. There was good phenological agreement between nest data and trap data, while pan trap data provided much larger sample sizes for assessing caste-related variation in size, wear and ovarian development. Nest-based studies (e.g.
We greatly appreciate the assistance of Mark Frampton for diligent pan trapping and specimen curation in 2006. We thank Andrew Giroux for lab work and Jess Vickruck, David Awde and the reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. This project was funded by an NSERC Discovery grant to MHR, an NSERC USRA to SR, and Brock University.