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Corresponding author: Maxence Gérard ( ) Academic editor: Jack Neff
© 2021 Marie Guiraud, Bérénice Cariou, Maxime Henrion, Emily Baird, Maxence Gérard.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Guiraud M, Cariou B, Henrion M, Baird E, Gérard M (2021) Higher developmental temperature increases queen production and decreases worker body size in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 88: 39-49.
Climate change and increasing average temperatures are now affecting most ecosystems. Social insects such as bumblebees are especially impacted because these changes create spatial, temporal and morphological mismatches that could impede their ability to find food resources and mate. However, few studies have assessed how the colony and life cycle are affected when temperatures rise above optimal rearing temperature. It has become imperative to understand how heat stress affects the life history traits of insect pollinators as well as how changes in life history interact with other traits like morphology. For example, a decrease in the number of foraging workers could be balanced by producing larger workers, able to forage at longer distances and gather more resources. Here, we investigated the impact of temperature on colony production and body size in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Colonies were exposed to two temperatures: 25 °C, which is around the optimal temperature for larval development and 33 °C, which is slightly above the set-point that is considered stressful for bumblebees. Although the production of males and workers wasn’t significantly affected by these different temperatures, queen production and reproductive investment were much higher for colonies placed in 33 °C than in 25 °C. We also found that, in agreement with the temperature-size rule, workers were significantly smaller in the higher temperature. The decrease in worker body size could affect resource collection and pollination if their foraging distance and the quantity of food they are taking back to the colony decreases. While in our controlled conditions the bumblebees were fed ad libitum, the decrease of resource collection in field conditions could prevent colonies from producing as many queens as in our study. Together with the decrease of worker body size, our results suggest that elevated temperatures could ultimately have a negative impact on bumblebee colony fitness. Indeed, smaller workers are known to have weaker flight performance which could affect foraging performance and consequently colony development.
Bees, climate change, colony development, ITD, Hymenoptera
Over the past few decades, climate change has led to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns (
The experiments were conducted over two sessions, each lasting two months: session 1 occurred during winter 2020 and session 2 during spring 2021. In each session, eight colonies of Bombus terrestris audax (Koppert, Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands) were used (making 16 colonies in total). The colonies were kept in the dark at 50% humidity, in temperature-controlled incubators (Panasonic MIR, 123L) at the Department of Zoology in Stockholm (Sweden) – four colonies were incubated at 25 °C and four at 33 °C. The experimental colonies were placed in wooden nest boxes (28 cm × 16 cm × 11 cm). Pollen was delivered every two to three days (Naturprodukter, Rawpowder Bipollen) inside the colony. Ad libitum 30% sucrose solution (w/w) was available all times via a gravity feeder. After 25 days of development, all individuals in each colony were marked. Thus, at day 26, each newly emerged individual had experienced the temperature treatment throughout the entirety of its development, as 25 days corresponds to the duration of worker development (Duchateau and Velthuis 1988). All males and queens included in the analysis emerged after day 26, so that they also experienced the full temperature treatment during their development. One of the colonies reared at 25 °C during session 1 was removed from the analysis because the queen died at the beginning of the experiment, thus inducing a bias in the number of individuals produced by this colony. In total, we gathered a dataset of 2834 workers (n = 1460 at 25 °C from seven colonies, n = 1374 at 33 °C from eight colonies), 182 males (n = 65 at 25 °C from seven colonies, n = 117 at 33 °C from eight colonies) and 182 queens (n = 2 at 25 °C from seven colonies, n = 180 at 33 °C from eight colonies).
The inter-tegular distance (ITD, i.e. the minimal distance between the tegulae; the coverings over the wing bases) was used as a proxy for body size (Cane 1987) and was measured using a digital calliper (Cocraft, Insjön, Sweden).
First, we used separate Wilcoxon tests to assess if there were differences in (i) the total number of individuals, (ii) the total number of individuals in each caste separately and finally (iii) the reproductive investment between the colonies. Reproductive investment is defined as the percentage of sexuals (males and queens) on the total number of individuals produced in a colony. If the ratio is higher, it thus means that the proportion of sexuals is higher.
After checking assumptions, we built linear mixed models (LMM; lmer4 R package) to understand the impact of rearing temperature on body size. We computed two different models for males and workers, as their body size differs significantly. If these assumptions were not verified even when using log- or rank transformation, we built Generalized Linear Mixed Model with a Gamma distribution (GLMM). This distribution is adapted for non-normal positive and continuous data. We fitted the models with body size (ITD) as a response variable, included temperature as a fixed effect, and colony ID and session number as random effects. We selected the best model using AIC criteria (Burnham and Anderson 2004) after testing all possible combinations.
First, the session did not have any significant impact on any parameter of the colony development (all p-values > 0.05). The temperature treatment did not affect the total number of individuals (p = 0.96), males (p = 0.24) or workers (p = 0.34) produced by each colony (Fig.
The effect of temperature on the total number of individuals of each caste produced in each colony Colonies A1-A3 and B1-B4 were from session 1, colonies C1-C4 and D1-D4 were from session 2. No significant effect of the session for any caste (p > 0.05). No significant impact of the temperature on the total number of individuals (p = 0.96), neither on the number of males (p = 0.24) or workers (p = 0.34) The number of queens produced was significantly higher at 33°C (p = 0.001).
The model that best explained the variation in body size of males included temperature and colony ID (Marginal R-squared = 0.02; Conditional R-squared = 0.27). No significant impact of the rearing temperature was observed (p = 0.53; Fig.
Here, we investigated the effect of elevated developmental temperatures on bumblebees by measuring the production and body size of colonies kept at two different developmental temperatures – one that is optimal for larval development (25 °C) and one that causes heat stress (33 °C). Overall, we found that only queen production and reproductive investment were significantly affected by the elevated temperature. We also found that workers that developed under the elevated temperature had a smaller body size, an effect that was not observed among males. Like in the present study,
As with previous studies (
Our study brings us one step closer to understanding the impact that global warming may have on bumblebee colony production and individual body size. Our findings contribute to the existing body of evidence that higher developmental temperatures lead to a higher production of queens with earlier emergence times. This may represent an emergency-state of the colony where stressful conditions induced by high temperature, leading to increased fanning of workers and to a higher/earlier investment in reproduction and the success of further generations. Further studies should first try to replicate this experiment, as few studies have focussed on the impact of heat stress on life history traits, but also because working with full colonies is time-consuming and makes it difficult to have many replicates in the same experimental session. Finally, further research should also focus on how this interplay between colony production and body size could ultimately affect the efficiency with which a colony can collect resources and pollinate.
This work was supported by an Interdisciplinary Research Environment Grant from the Swedish Research Council (grant number 2018-06238). MGe was also supported by a Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation.