Research Article |
Corresponding author: Adriana E. Flores ( ) Academic editor: Zachary Lahey
© 2021 Maria de Lourdes Ramirez-Ahuja, Jesus A. Davila-Barboza, Elijah J. Talamas, Matthew R. Moore, Cristina Bobadilla-Utrera, Gustavo Ponce-Garcia, Iram P. Rodriguez-Sanchez, Adriana E. Flores.
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Ramirez-Ahuja ML, Davila-Barboza JA, Talamas EJ, Moore MR, Bobadilla-Utrera C, Ponce-Garcia G, Rodriguez-Sanchez IP, Flores AE (2021) First record of Telenomus fariai Costa Lima, 1927 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae, Telenominae) as a parasitoid of Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) eggs in Mexico. In: Lahey Z, Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea III. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87: 309-322.
The egg parasitoid Telenomus fariai Costa Lima (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), is reported for the first time in Veracruz, Mexico. Telenomus fariai was discovered in 2019 during a field collection of Triatoma dimidiata L. (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), representing the first report of its association with Tr. dimidiata in Mexico. This species is here redescribed and sequencing of a portion of the cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (COI) was performed to facilitate future identifications and to examine host associations between species of Telenomus Haliday and Reduviidae in a broader context.
Biological control, COI, triatomines
Wasps in the family Scelionidae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) are endoparasitoids of insect and arachnid eggs. They therefore play a fundamental role as natural enemies of Coleoptera, Diptera, Embiidina, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Mantodea, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, and Araneae (
Triatoma dimidiata is considered one of the most important vectors of Chagas disease in southern Mexico, Central America and even in northern South America, second only to Tr. infestans (
Despite the medical relevance of these bugs and the potential for Te. fariai to control them, the only taxonomic treatment of Te. fariai is the original description by
The parasitoids were reared from eggs of Tr. dimidiata that were collected outdoors in the area of Chavarrillo, Emiliano Zapata in the state of Veracruz, south of Mexico (19°25'30.378"N, 96°47'56.767"W). Fifty-six Tr. dimidiata eggs were taken to the laboratory (HR 70%, T 25 ± 2 °C) and placed into Petri dishes. Observation were made until Tr. dimidiata nymphs and parasitoids emerged. Parasitoids were placed in 96% ethanol for morphological and molecular analyses. The number of eggs and sex ratio of the parasitoids was recorded.
We used the descriptions of
Slides of male genitalia were prepared following the protocol of
Voucher specimens of Te. fariai are deposited in the “Coleccion de Insectos Beneficos Entomofagos” (Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas-Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico) and the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida (
Photographs were produced with a Macropod imaging system using 10X and 20X objective lenses, with images rendered with Helicon Focus. Dissections for scanning electron microscopy were performed with a minuten probe and forceps. Body parts were mounted to a 12 mm slotted aluminum mounting stub using a carbon adhesive tab and sputter coated with approximately 70 nm of gold/palladium using a Denton IV sputter coater. Micrographs were captured using a Phenom XL Desktop SEM.
Genomic DNA was nondestructively isolated from whole specimens of Te. fariai, Te. zeli, and Te. suculus using the Qiagen DNeasy kit (Hilden, Germany) as described by
As there is no previous record of the sequence in GenBank of the CO1 region of Te. fariai we undertook the task of determining this through phylogenetic analysis comparing with other nearby species. All available COI-5P barcodes from Telenomus were downloaded from BOLD along with the two BOLD BINS nearest to Te. fariai (
Sixty-six specimens of Te. fariai (48 females, 18 males) emerged from 48 of the 56 Tr. dimidiata eggs. This represented an egg parasitism rate of 86% (48/56) with an average of 1.4 parasitoids per egg and a female:male sex ratio of 2.67:1. These results are consistent with previous studies that documented that over 70% of the eggs were parasitized with a sex ratio of 2.7:1 (
Telenomus fariai Costa Lima, 1927: 451 (original description)
Telenomus fariai Costa Lima: De Santis, de Regalia, de Silva & de Larramendy, 1980: 197 (key to subespecies), Johnson, 1992: 587 (cataloged, type information)
Telenomus fariai Rabinovichi De Santis & Vidal Sarmiento, 1980: 198 (original description).
Telenomus fariai fariai Costa Lima: De Santis, de Regalia, de Silva & de Larramendy, 1980: 198 (description).
Telenomus fariai rabinovichi De Santis & Vidal Sarmiento: Loiácono & Díaz, 1996: 10 (type information).
Body length of male: 0.75–0.91 mm (n = 4). Body length of female: 0.87–1.05 mm (n = 10) color of body: dark brown to black: color of legs: coxae and femora brown; trochanters, tibiae and tarsi yellow to pale brown: color of antenna in female: brown.
Telenomus fariai 1 female (USNMENT01795654), identified by Costa Lima, reared from Triatoma eggs in Brazil, lateral habitus 2 female (
Head. Claval formula: 1-2-2-1. Number of mandibular teeth: 2, dorsal tooth the largest. Labium: transverse with median notch. Shape of clypeus: concave, apical margin straight, not dentate, not protruding anteriorly. Number of clypeal setae: 6, dorsal pair distinctly longer. Central keel: absent. Sculpture of frons: with arcuate rugae present around interantennal process, otherwise smooth or with coriaecious microsculpure, setal bases punctate. Frontal depression: weakly developed, frons not bulging between antennal insertions and inner orbits. Compound eyes: with short setation throughout, inner orbits rounded at the level of lateral ocelli. Lateral ocellus: contiguous with compound eye. Ocellar setae: absent. Sculpture of vertex: shallowly and evenly coriaceous. Shape of vertex: rounded, without hyperoccipital carina. Occipital carina: complete, extending to base of mandibles ventrally, continuous dorsally. Anterior margin of occipital carina: weakly crenulate dorsally, smooth laterally and ventrally. Sculpture of gena: shallowly and evenly coriaceous.
Telenomus fariai 4 female (
Mesosoma. Epomial carina: absent. Sculpture of lateral pronotum: coriaceous microsculpture anterior to netrion. Netrion sulcus: present, weakly defined medially. Sculpture of netrion: smooth. Setation of mesoscutum: evenly covered with white setae throughout. Sculpture of mesoscutum: scaly reticulate microsculpture. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: absent. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as a smooth furrow. Interior of axillar crescent: smooth. Setation of mesoscutellum: evenly covered with white setae throughout. Sculpture of mesoscutellar disc: smooth. Posterior mesoscutellar sulcus: foveate. Sculpture of metascutellum: rugose throughout. Metanotal trough: foveate, foveae less than half the lenght of the metanotum. Number of setae in metanotal trough: 3–4. Acetabular carina: present, wide and flat dorsally and directly posterior to fore coxa. Intercoxal space: greater than the length of fore coxa. Setation of ventral mesopleuron: densely setose surrounding mesodiscrimen. Episternal foveae: absent. Sculpture of anteroventral mesopleuron: scaly reticulate microsculpture. Sculpture of femoral depression: smooth. Mesopleural carina: weakly indicated in posteroventral corner of mesopleuron. Prespecular sulcus: indicated by shallow foveae. Sculpture of speculum: transversely rugulose. Mesepimeral sulcus: comprised of circular foveae. Sculpture of posterior mesepimeral area: smooth. Paracoxal sulcus: absent. Metapleural epicoxal sulcus: indicated by a line of shallow foveae. Anteroventral extension of the metapleuron: blunt, triangular, extending to base of mesocoxa. Sculpture of metapleuron: variably rugose in posterior and ventral portions, anterior part of dorsal metapleuron mostly smooth. Lateral propodeal area: mostly smooth with some rugae. Metasoma depression: with sparse rugae radiating from surrounding carinae and from propodeal foramen.
Wings. Length of postmarginal vein in fore wing: twice as long as stigmal vein.
Metasoma. Sculpture of T1: striate throughout. Number of sublateral setae on T1 (on one side): 1. Number of lateral setae (on one side): 3 or 4. Sculpture of T2: faint striation extending from basal costae, striae in lateral portion and along midline extending half the length, otherwise smooth. Length of T2: about 4/5 the length of the metasoma. Setation of T2 (mediotergite): sparse, present in a broad patch located in lateral third, roughly one half the length of the tergite. Setation of laterotergite 2: present in a patch adjacent to setose area on mediotergite. Sculpture of T7: rugulose; setation of T7: short and dense. Setation of S2: sparse and evenly distributed in area between laterotergites. Sculpture of S6: densely punctulate. Setation of S6: dense.
Male genitalia. Number of digital teeth (on each side): 3. Size of digital teeth: small. Laminae volsellares: elongated plate with lateral indications of more intensely sclerotized rods. Aedeagal lobe: very short and rounded apically.
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, ex. Triatoma eggs (1♀, USNMENT01795654). Mexico: Estacion Chavarrillo, Municipality Emiliano Zapata, state Veracruz, 13-VII- 2019; Cristina Bobadilla-Utrera (CIBE 19-032), (48♀, 18♂,
Panstrongylus chinai, P. megistus, P. herreri, Tr. brasiliensis Neiva, Tr. dimidiata, Tr. infestans, Tr. pallidipennis (Stal), Tr. phyllosoma, Tr. maculata (Erichson), Tr. rubrovaria (Blanchard, in Blanchard & Bulle), Tr. sordida (Stal), Tr. tibiomaculata, Tr. vitticeps (Stal), Rhodnius prolixus, R. palescens (
The specimens of Te. fariai from Mexico (Figures
We generated two COI sequences for male and female pairs of Te. fariai, Te. sulculus, and Te. zeli, and for each species the male and female sequences were identical (Table
The NJ analysis included a total of 498 nucleotide positions and returned an optimal tree with the sum of branch lengths equaling 21.82 (Figures
The COI data placed Mexican specimens of Te. fariai within a clade of specimens from Costa Rica (Figure
Telenomus fariai has been reported as the most important biological control agent of Triatoma species in Central and South America (
Elijah Talamas and Matthew Moore were supported by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI). We thank Jonathan Bremer (FDACS-DPI) for providing SEM images of Te. fariai, and Cheryl Roberts and Lynn Combee (FDACS-DPI) for their assistance with DNA sequencing. We wish to thank Matthew Buffington (USDA-ARS-SEL) for providing images of Te. fariai in the US National Museum.
Sequences of COI barcodes from Telenomus and Baeoneurella outgroup
Data type: molecular data
Explanation note: Alignment of over 14,000 Telenomus barcodes.
Newick tree file
Data type: phylogenetic data
Explanation note: Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Telenomus COI sequences.