Research Article |
Corresponding author: Rafael R. Ferrari ( ) Academic editor: Jack Neff
© 2022 Rafael R. Ferrari, Maria L. T. Buschini, Mary E. R. Diniz, Chao-Dong Zhu, Gabriel A. R. Melo.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ferrari RR, Buschini MLT, Diniz MER, Zhu C-D, Melo GAR (2022) Discovery of Mourecotelles (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Colletinae) in Brazil: nesting biology and pollen preferences of a remarkable new species of the genus. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 89: 211-231.
Mourecotelles Toro & Cabezas (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Colletinae) currently includes only nine valid species of cellophane bees found mostly in relatively-dry regions of western South America (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador). In this paper, we describe and illustrate a new species of the genus – M. braziliensis Ferrari & Melo, sp. nov. – based on individuals of both sexes captured through trap-nesting in an environmental protection area (Araucárias Municipal Natural Park) and in flowers in different localities in southern Brazil. In total, we obtained 16 nests of M. braziliensis, each consisting of two to eleven brood cells arranged horizontally and lined with a cellophane-like substance. Of the 57 adult bees that emerged, 41 were male (mean weight 46.5 mg) and 16 were female (mean weight 58.9 mg), resulting in biased sex and investment ratios of 2.56:1 and 2.02:1, respectively. Both the numbers of provisioned cells and mortality rate were higher for trap nests with the narrowest bore diameter, although the differences in relation to other trap nests were not statistically significant. Pollen of nine different plant families were found in brood cells of M. braziliensis, but the species showed a clear preference for Fabaceae and Polygalaceae. Indeed, some of the specimens were collected while foraging in flowers of an unidentified species of Monnina Ruiz & Pav. (Polygalaceae) growing in swampy areas. The evolutionary and biogeographical implications of our discovery are briefly discussed.
Bee, Colletini, floral host, Neotropical region, sex ratio, trap nest
Nesting biology has historically been one the most widely studied aspects of the natural world of bees (e.g.
The tribe Colletini (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Colletinae; sensu
Mourecotelles currently comprises nine valid species found mostly in temperate, often xeric regions of western South America (
The main goals of this paper are to describe a new species of Mourecotelles from southern Brazil and to document relevant aspects of its nesting biology and pollen preferences.
This study was conducted in Araucárias Municipal Natural Park (AMNP), an environmental protection area of approximately 1 km2 located in the municipality of Guarapuava, Paraná state, Brazil (25°21'06"S, 51°28'08"W; Fig.
AMNP’s vegetation consists predominantly of Araucaria forest (43%), but also includes gallery forest (10%), grassland (7%), swamp (7%) and anthropized areas (33%). The Araucaria forest remnants found at AMNP, although represented mostly by Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae), are particularly diverse, comprising approximately 100 species of woody plants belonging to 73 genera in 41 families, most notably: Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, Bignoniaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, and Solanaceae (
The studied bees were captured within AMNP through wooden trap nests between December 2001 and December 2007, following the collection methodology outlined in detail in
Study site and schematic representation of our trap-nest experiment A Map showing the exact location of AMNP within Paraná state, Brazil B Satellite image of AMNP with color-coded rectangles pointing to where the collecting plots were set up within each environment C Line art depicting that plots consisted of two 60-meter transects, each containing four sampling stations with 12 trap nests of different bore diameters. Scale bar: 250 m.
The trap nests were built from 120 × 25 × 20 mm (length × width × height) wooden blocks as follows. First, each block was drilled to create a one-opening cavity of 90 mm in depth. Drills of 7 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm in diameter were used to produce trap nests with different bore diameters (henceforth TN07, TN10 and TN13, respectively). Next, blocks were sawed mid-longitudinally and the resulting halves held together with adhesive tape. This allowed for ease of inspection of the interior of the trap nests both in the field and laboratory later.
The ready-to-use trap nests were placed 1.5 m above the ground mounted on natural vegetation, mostly tree branches. They were then inspected every two weeks; all colonized trap nests were removed for subsequent examination in the laboratory and replaced with new ones in order to keep the number of trap nests per sampling area constant. In the laboratory, the trap nests were re-inspected and those housing nests with immature bees were placed in rearing containers (two-liter PET bottles sealed with cotton balls) to allow for ease of capture of recently-emerged adults. The terminology used in the descriptions of nests and brood cells followed
All adult bees that emerged in the laboratory were killed with ethyl acetate, weighed with a precision digital scale and then pinned. Next, they were examined under a Nikon SMZ1000 stereomicroscope (maximum magnification of 112×) equipped with fluorescent light. To dissect the terminalia (i.e. genital capsule, seventh and eight metasomal sterna) of males, we first kept them inside a sealed plastic container with cotton balls soaked in water for 12 hours to relax their soft tissues. We then severed the conjunctival membrane of the metasomal apex and removed the loose terminalia from the mostly-hollow cavity with fine-tipped forceps. We subsequently cleared the terminalia of each male within separate wells of a ceramic plate containing a ~10% solution of potassium hydroxide for six hours. Using an insect pin, we separated the three structures from one another and stored them in glycerin in glass genital vials to facilitate comparative study and imaging.
We identified the bees to genus (Mourecotelles) using the keys of
The collection data in the labels of the holotype are reproduced exactly as they are given there, as follows: data in a single label are provided between quotation marks, and the end of each line in a label is indicated by an inverted bar (\). For paratypes, data are given in the following format: country, state, municipality, collection date as dd/mm/yyyy, collector(s), number of individuals per sex [repository]. Acronyms of repositories mentioned herein are:
The habitus images presented in this paper were taken with a Leica DFC295 camera attached to a Leica M125 stereomicroscope. Stacking of multiple images was made using Zerene Stacker 1.4 (Zerene Systems, LLC) software. Terminalia of males were imaged with the addition of a Canon Extender EF 2× lens for a higher magnification. In all cases, we used a P-51Cam-Lift high precision Linear Actuator, which is operated by the program P51 Camlift Controller v.2.6, to take pictures from different planes of focus. First, individual pictures were imported with Adobe Lightroom v4.4 and then exported to Helicon Focus v.5.3.3, where they were stacked to produce multifocus composite images. We added scale bars and mounted the final images into plates in Adobe Photoshop CS6 v.13.0 (Adobe Inc.).
Mann-Whitney nonparametric tests were performed to determine whether the bore diameters of trap nests influenced the number of brood cells constructed. The same test was used to compare whether there were statistical differences in (i) cell length, (ii) development time or (iii) body mass between males and females. The development time of bees was calculated as the time interval between the collection of trap nests from the field and the emergence of adults. Chi-square tests were performed to see whether bore diameter affected (i) the sex ratio and (ii) mortality rate. All statistical analyses were carried out in BioEstat 3.0 (Ayres et al. 2003).
The pollen samples examined for the purpose of the present study were collected from three of the nests studied by
To quantify the pollen from brood cell provisions, 400 grains were randomly identified per slide, totaling 1200 grains per nest. Some pollen grains were photographed with an Olympus BX 50 photomicroscope equipped with a video camera using CellSens. All pollen slides are deposited in the palynotheca of UNICENTRO.
Both sexes of M. braziliensis can be readily diagnosed by having the mesosoma covered almost entirely with dark-orange pubescence (Fig.
Female (Holotype, Fig.
Colouration. Black, except dark-brown on wing venation (except veins C and R of forewing black), distitarsi, tarsal claws distally; pale reddish-brown on tegula, tibial spurs, tarsal claws proximally, marginal zones of S1–S5; reddish-brown on tarsal claws distally.
Structure. Labrum with longitudinal subellipsoidal concavities. Malar area 1.4× longer than broad. Inner margins of compound eyes subparallel. F1 2.1× as long as its apical width. Facial fovea narrowly rounded below, more broadly rounded above. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtusely angled. Tibial spurs ciliate. Hind basitarsus 3.6× longer than broad. Marginal zone of T6 forming a raised lip.
Pubescence. Head with long, erect, off-white and black hairs intermixed; equivalent hairs longer on vertex; mandible with a fringe of long, pale-yellow setae oriented mesad; clypeus with short, suberect, pale-yellow setae concentrated below. Mesosoma with long, erect, dark-orange plumose hairs; equivalent hairs longer and paler on mesepisternum, metepisternum and lateral surface of propodeum; mesoscutum with dark-orange and black hairs intermixed anteriorly. Legs mostly with moderately long, suberect, pale-yellow branched hairs; front trochanter and femur with long, erect, off-white and black hairs intermixed posteriorly; mid femur and mid and hind coxae and trochanters with very long, erect off-white hairs ventrally; mid tibia with short, erect, bright-orange thick setae forming a longitudinal line along proximal third ventrally; mid and hind tibiae and basitarsi with short, suberect, pale-yellow setae dorsally; femoral and tibial scopae with very long, pale-yellow apically-branched hairs. Metasomal terga with short, erect, pale-yellow setae on discs; T1 with very long, erect, pale-orange plumose hairs; T1–T5 apical bands with pale-orange tomentum; T6 with short, suberect, black thick setae. Metasomal sterna with minute, suberect, pale-yellow setae.
Sculpture. Clypeus with subparallel longitudinal coarse striae. Malar area unevenly punctate (i=0.5–2.0d); several punctures elongate and poorly delimited; interspaces finely imbricate. Paraocular area finely and very densely punctate (i<0.5d). Supraclypeal area largely impunctate; integument finely imbricate. Frons moderately coarsely and densely punctate (i=0.5–1.0d). Vertex finely punctate; punctures sparser (i=1.0–3.0d) medially, denser (i=0.5–1.0d) towards upper summit of eye. Mesosomal dorsum coarsely punctate; punctures sparsest (i>3d) on mesoscutum medially, densest (i=0.5–1.0d) on scutellum posteriorly, finer on metanotum; interspaces smooth, except finely imbricate on anterior third of mesoscutum. Mesepisternum coarsely and unevenly punctate, punctures densest (i=0.5–1.0d) near scrobe, sparsest (i=1.0–2.0d) towards ventral surface; interspaces finely imbricate throughout. Lateral surface of propodeum with minute punctures; interspaces coarsely imbricate. Metapostnotum mostly smooth, with many short carinae along anterior margin. Metasoma minutely and sparsely (i=1.0–2.0d) punctate; interspaces corrugated on terga, finely imbricate on sterna.
Male (Fig.
Colouration. Tegula dark brown; metasomal sterna with black marginal zones.
Malar area 1.5× as long as basal width of mandible. F1 1.8× as long as its apical width. Hind basitarsus 3.8× longer than broad. S7, S8 and genital capsule as in Fig.
Pubescence. Face with mostly pale-yellow hairs, black hairs restricted to paraocular area and vertex. Supraclypeal area, gena near proboscidial fossa and lateral surface of propodeum with very long hairs. Mesoscutum with only dark-orange hairs, black hairs absent.
Sculpture. Malar area with convex interspaces. Clypeal striae somewhat finer and more irregularly oriented. Supraclypeal area more densely punctate (i=1.0–1.5d).
♀: “
Brazil, Paraná, Guarapuava, 24/10/2002, M.L.T. Buschini leg., 1♀ [UNICENTRO]; same data as for preceding, except 22/11/2002, 1♂ [UNICENTRO], 1♀ and 1♂ [
The only species of Mourecotelles currently known to occur in Brazil.
The species described herein has been referred to in several previous publications, including
In total, females of M. braziliensis nested in 16 of the 576 trap nests (2.8%) placed in the field. The number of bees that emerged from each nest varied from one to ten, totaling 57 individuals (3.6 bees/nest on average).
Mourecotelles braziliensis nidified in 13 TN07 and three TN10; no nest was built in TN13. All 16 nests were founded in either the austral spring or summer, in the years of 2002 (n=10, 62.5%), 2003 (n=2, 12.5%), 2004 (n=1, 6.25%) and 2006 (n=3, 18.75%). No nest was founded in 2001, 2005 and 2007, although the year of 2001 was surveyed only in December. Of the 16 nests, 13 were founded in the sampling stations placed in the grassland area (81.25%) and three in the swampy area (18.75%).
All nests founded by M. braziliensis are very alike in terms of general architecture. Specifically, each consisted of a series of cells arranged horizontally and separated from one another by walls built with the same cellophane-like substance used in the lining of the nest (Fig.
Nests of Mourecotelles braziliensis built in wooden trap nests A food provision looks bright orange when relatively fresh B brood cells become darker as larvae start to defecate (~26 days after hatch) C brood cells turn nearly black due to accumulation of larval feces (~31 days after hatch) D entrance of a TN07 plugged with cellophane-like material.
The number of cells constructed in each nest of M. braziliensis varied from two to 11, totaling 78 cells in 16 nests (4.9 cells/nest on average). Of these, 55 cells were from the 13 TN07 (4.2 cells/nest on average) and 23 from the three TN10 (7.5 cells/nest on average). This difference, however, was not statistically significant (p=0.2482). Of the 16 nests, 14 (87.5%) had at least one vestibular cell. The number of vestibular cells constructed in TN07 and TN10 was 22 and four, respectively (1.8 and 2.0 vestibular cells/nest on average, respectively).
Overall, males (333 ± 16.4 days) developed faster than females (345 ± 16.7 days), although the difference between their mean development times was not statistically different (p=0.0341). On the other hand, females (58.9 ± 5.8 mg) were significantly heavier than males (46.5 ± 7.8 mg) (p<0.001).
Of the 57 bees of M. braziliensis that emerged in the laboratory, 41 were male (72%) and 16 were female (28%), resulting in a biased sex ratio towards males of 2.56:1. This is significantly different from an unbiased (i.e. 1:1) sex ratio (p<0.001). When the mean weight of individuals of each sex was accounted for, the calculated investment ratio was lower (2.02:1), albeit still statistically significant (p<0.05). The sex ratio was particularly more male biased when only TN10 was considered: 16 of the 20 bees that emerged were male (80%) and only four were female (20%), thus resulting in a sex ratio of precisely 4:1, which is also statistically different from a 1:1 sex ratio (p<0.05). The investment ratio related to only TN10 (3.15:1) was also statistically significant (p<0.05). Finally, 25 of the 37 bees that were reared from TN07 were male (67.5%) and 12 were female (31.5%), yielding sex and investment ratios of 2.08:1 and 1.64:1, respectively, both significantly different from a 1:1 ratio (p<0.05).
No bee emerged from 20 of the 78 constructed cells, resulting in an overall mortality rate of about 26%. Of these, 13 cells contained dead larvae (65%), three were completely empty (15%), three contained dead adults (15%) and one was found with an unidentified meloid beetle inside (5%). Although the mortality rate was, on average, higher for TN07 (17 of 55, 31%) than TN10 (three of 23, 13%), the difference between the two types of trap nests was not statistically significant (χ²=2.715; p=0.0994).
Microscopic examination of the brood cell content obtained from the nests of M. braziliensis revealed 11 pollen morphotypes belonging to nine different plant families: Campanulaceae (Lobelia sp.), Commelinaceae (Commelinaceae sp.), Compositae (Compositae sp.1 and Compositae sp.2), Fabaceae (Crotalaria sp. and Fabaceae sp.), Lauraceae (Cinnamomum sp.), Myrtaceae (Myrtaceae sp.), Poaceae (Poaceae sp.), Polygalaceae (Polygalaceae sp.) and Styracaceae (Styracaceae sp.).
Two morphotypes, Fabaceae sp. (Fig.
Almost all of what was previously known about the nesting biology of the Colletini was related to the widespread genus Colletes (e.g.
Assuming that the genus-level relationships recovered by
Mourecotelles braziliensis stands out for being the sister species to the remaining species of the genus and the only one found in eastern South America (
Over the six-year experiment conducted by us, M. braziliensis nidified in trap nests that were placed only in the open environments (grassland and swampy areas), while no nest was founded within the Araucaria forest remnants. Given that the forested area covers 43% of AMNP, it seems obvious that M. braziliensis prefers nesting in sun-exposed environments. This actually corresponds to a nesting behavior that has long known to be predominant among solitary bees (e.g.
The average number of cells constructed by M. braziliensis in our experiment (4.9 cells/nest) is very close to that reported for the Argentina-endemic M. triciliatus (5.7 cells/nest on average; see
Even though we have identified 11 different pollen morphotypes in brood cells of M. braziliensis, the nine least abundant of them constituted merely 1.57% of the total examined. These likely were involuntarily accumulated by females while drinking nectar or picked up as pollen secondarily deposited by other flower visitors, rather than being actively collected to nourish the larvae (see
An overall, male-biased investment ratio of roughly 2:1 observed for M. braziliensis in our study is intriguing and its causes are unclear. Investment ratio is an important concept in behavioral ecology, which can be defined as the relative amount of energy allocated in the production of males vs. females (
The remarkable new species of Mourecotelles described in this paper represents not only the first record of the genus in Brazil but also the first outside western South America (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador). Mourecotelles braziliensis is morphologically very distinct from its congeners and can be easily recognized, among other features, due to its unique dark-orange mesosomal pubescence. We showed that trap-nesting is a useful method for studying relevant aspects about the nesting biology of Mourecotelles as the genus seems to comprise fundamentally cavity-nesting bees. Although we have found 11 different pollen morphotypes in brood cells of M. braziliensis, the species seems to be a specialist in the family Polygalaceae.
We thank Fundação Araucária for the financial support, without which this study would not have been possible. We are very grateful to both Claúdia Inês Silva (São Paulo State University) and Cynthia Luz (“Maria Eneyda P. Kaufmann Fidalgo” Herbarium) for the identifications of the pollen samples. We are also indebted to Laurence Packer for allowing us to use his photographic equipment, which was purchased through a Canadian Foundation for Innovation award through Canadensys. RRF was supported by a President’s International Funding Initiative postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2020PB0130) and a National Natural Science Foundation of China research grant (grant 41761144068). GARM thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq for financial support (grant 309641/2016-0).