Corrigendum: Description of Kavayva, gen. nov., (Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) and two new species associated with Guarea (Meliaceae), and a review of New World eurytomids associated with seeds. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 86: 101–121.
expand article infoY. Miles Zhang, Michael W. Gates, Rogerio Silvestre§|, Manuela Scarpa§
‡ c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, United States of America
§ Graduate Program in Entomology and Biodiversity Conservation - UFGD, Dourados, Brazil
| Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, Brazil
Open Access

In a paper about the description of Kavayva, a new genus of Eurytomidae (Zhang et al. 2021), the indication of repositories for the type specimens were missing. We regret this omission, and provide the missing information below.

MUSM Natural History Museum of the San Marcos University, Lima, Peru

UFGD Museum of Biodiversity of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados-MS, Brazil

USNM United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA

Kavayva bodoquenensis Zhang, Silvestre & Gates, sp. nov.

Holotype female deposited at USNM.

Paratypes deposited at USNM [12F, 13M] and UFGD [8F, 3M].

Kavayva davidsmithi Zhang & Gates, sp. nov.

Holotype female deposited at MUSM.

Paratypes deposited at USNM [1F, 1M].


We thank John Noyes and Natalie Dale-Skey for reaching out to us regarding the omission.


  • Zhang YM, Gates MW, Silvestre R, Scarpa M (2021) Description of Kavayva, gen. nov., (Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) and two new species associated with Guarea (Meliaceae), and a review of New World eurytomids associated with seeds. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 86: 101–121.
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