Research Article |
Corresponding author: Ting-Jing Li ( ) Academic editor: Michael Ohl
© 2022 Yue Bai, James M. Carpenter, Bin Chen, Ting-Jing Li.
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Bai Y, Carpenter JM, Chen B, Li T-J (2022) A review of the genus Paraleptomenes Giordani Soika, 1970 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from China, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 90: 185-199.
In this paper, a total of five species of the genus Paraleptomenes Giordani Soika, 1970 is reported from China, including two new species and two newly recorded species. The two new species P. setaceus sp. nov. and P. transfoveolus sp. nov. are described and illustrated in detail. P. darugiriensis Kumar, Carpenter & Sharma, 2014 and P. nurseanus montanus Giordani Soika, 1994 are first recorded from China. Photos of the type specimen of P. kosempoensis (Schulthess, 1934) deposited in the American Museum of Natural History are provided. Furthermore, a key to the world species of Paraleptomenes is updated.
Hymenoptera, Eumeninae, Paraleptomenes, new species, new record, China
The genus Paraleptomenes Giordani Soika, 1970 of the subfamily Eumeninae, containing 9 valid species and 3 additional subspecies, is distributed mainly in the Oriental region, especially in India (Kumar et al. 2014). These known species and subspecies were described by de Saussure (1855,
The specimens examined in our study are deposited in the Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China (
Posterior area of hind ocelli depressed inward flatly, forming an acute angle with frons; anterior face of pronotum with one or two foveae in the middle or not obvious, laterally with dense punctures (Figs
Oriental Region.
, 1♀, China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 21°55'2"N, 101°16'25.99"E, 584 m, 2015.iv.11, Chunhong Wang (
Female (Fig.
Paraleptomenes setaceus sp. nov. Holotype (♀): 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 paratype (♂): 2, 4, 6, 8. 1, 2 habitus (dorsal view) 3, 4 head (frontal view) 5 vertex and part of pronotum (dorsal view) 6 A6–A13 7 mesosoma (dorsal view) 8 metasoma (ventral view) 9 tegula (dorsal view) 10 mesosoma (lateral view).
Head. Clypeus (Fig.
Mesosoma. Pronotum coarsely, densely punctate and reticulate, except the middle area, anterior face without obviously depressed fovea in the middle, with dense punctures and somewhat reticulate on both sides, pronotal transverse carina weak, especially absent in the middle (Fig.
Metasoma. Leathery, punctures smaller than head and mesosoma; T1 about 1.9 times as wide as long, narrower than T2, punctures on anterior inclined surface sparse, punctures on dorsal surface dense, without punctures at the end, slightly concave near the end (Figs
Male (Fig.
China (Yunnan).
This species resembles P. transfoveolus sp. nov. with the character of mesopleuron posterodorsally with obviously raised blunt teeth (Figs
The specific name setaceus is derived from Latin word: setace (= with hair), referring to the base of S7 with a row of thick brown setae.
, 1♀, China, Yunnan Province, Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna, Jinghong City, near Tropical Flower Garden, 22°0'39.06"N, 100°47'12.01"E, 544 m, 2016.x.1, Baoxin Dong (
Female (Fig.
Paraleptomenes transfoveolus sp. nov. Holotype (♀) 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 paratype (♂) 12, 14, 17. 11, 12 habitus (dorsal view) 13, 14 head (frontal view) 15 mesosoma (dorsal view) 16 vertex and part of pronotum (dorsal view) 17 A5–A13 18 tegula (dorsal view) 19 mesosoma (lateral view).
Head. Clypeus (Fig.
Mesosoma. Pronotum coarsely, densely punctate and reticulate, except the middle area, anterior face with a transverse fovea in the middle, with dense punctures and somewhat reticulate on both sides, pronotal transverse carina weak, especially absent in the middle (Fig.
Metasoma. Leathery, punctures smaller than head and mesosoma; T1 about 1.5 times as wide as long, narrower than T2, punctures on anterior inclined surface sparse, punctures on dorsal surface dense, without punctures at the end, slightly concave near the end; T2 about 1.1 times as wide as long, with sparse punctures at base and then punctures gradually denser and larger near the apical margin, with thin apical lamella; S2 with sparse punctures in the middle, denser and larger laterally and apically than those at the base of T2, with thin apical lamella; T3–T5 with dense punctures; metasomal segment 6 almost without punctures.
Male (Fig.
China (Yunnan).
This species is easily distinguished from all other species of Paraleptomenes by the following character combination: anterior face of pronotum with a transverse fovea in the middle (Fig.
The specific name transfoveolus is derived from two Latin words: trans- (= across) and foveola (= hole), referring to the transverse fovea of pronotum.
Paraleptomenes darugiriensis Kumar, Carpenter & Sharma, 2014: 132–135.
1♀, China, Guangxi Province, Chongzuo City, Fusui County, Changping Township, 22°38'29.45"N, 107°54'41.36"E,, Zhenxia Ma (
Female (Fig.
Paraleptomenes darugiriensis Kumar, Carpenter & Sharma, 2014. ♀ 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28 ♂ 21, 23, 25. 20, 21 habitus (dorsal view) 22, 23 head (frontal view) 24 vertex and part of pronotum (dorsal view) 25 A7–A13 26 mesosoma (dorsal view) 27 tegula (dorsal view) 28 mesosoma (lateral view).
China (new record: Guangxi, Yunnan); India.
Paraleptomenes nurseanus montanus Giordani Soika, 1994: 123, 124, 125; Kumar, Carpenter and Sharma 2014: 132–133.
1♀, China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Jinghong City, Lancang River, 21°57'18.09"N, 100°51'36.65"E, 541m, 2008.vii.27, Miao Li (
Female (Fig.
Male. Unknown.
China (new record: Yunnan); India.
Odynerus kosempoensis von Schulthess, 1934: 102.
Paraleptomenes kosempoensis; Giordani Soika, 1986: 127; 1994: 123, 125;
, 1♀, Kankau (Koshun), Formosa, VI. 1912, H. Sauter (
The female specimen deposited in
Female (Fig.
China (Taiwan, Hong Kong).
1 | Scutellum flat or nearly flat in lateral view; metanotum almost horizontal (Figs |
2 |
– | Scutellum convex in lateral view; metanotum very oblique (Figs |
4 |
2 | Female frons with sparse punctures (Fig. |
P. nurseanus 3 |
– | Female frons with dense punctures (Fig. |
P. kosempoensis (Schulthess, 1934) |
3 | Fundamental color of T1 red | P. nurseanus nurseanus Giordani Soika, 1970 |
– | Fundamental color of T1 black (Fig. |
P. nurseanus montanus Giordani Soika, 1994 |
4 | Maximum width of T1 about equal to its median length (0.90–1.10 times) | P. miniatus 5 |
– | Maximum width of T1 distinctly greater than its median length (1.25–1.90 times) | 7 |
5 | Fundamental color of T1 ferruginous | P. miniatus miniatus (de Saussure, 1855) |
– | Fundamental color of T1 black | 6 |
6 | Pronotum, scutellum, metanotum and mesepisternum with yellow spots; female clypeus partly yellow | P. miniatus mephitis (Cameron, 1901) |
– | Thorax black except two small yellow spots on metanotum; female clypeus entirely black | P. miniatus nigrithorax Giordani Soika, 1994 |
7 | Mesopleuron dorsally with punctures, and ventrally smooth and shiny | P. guichardi Giordani Soika, 1994 |
– | Mesopleuron wholly with punctures | 8 |
8 | Punctation of T1–T2 obviously coarse | 9 |
– | Punctation of T1–T2 not coarse as above (Figs |
10 |
9 | Punctation of T2 much larger than those of pronotum or mesoscutum; T2 with three broad humps, one in the middle and two lateral pre-apically (Fig. |
P. humbertianus (de Saussure, 1867) |
– | Punctation of T2 smaller than those of pronotum or mesoscutum; T2 without humps (Fig. |
P. incultus Nguyen & Nguyen, 2020 |
10 | Transverse furrow on T1 pre-apically very broad and deep (Fig. |
P. rufoniger Giordani Soika, 1994 |
– | Transverse furrow on T1 pre-apically not very broad and deep as above; female clypeus without large punctures | 11 |
11 | Female clypeal punctation coarser, interspaces between punctures basally with fine punctures (Figs |
12 |
– | Female clypeal punctation not coarse as above, interspaces between punctures basally smooth and impunctate; male A13 short, obviously less than 2 times as long as basal width, and almost straight (Fig. |
13 |
12 | Male A13 widened at apex (Fig. |
P. darugiriensis Kumar, Carpenter & Sharma, 2014 |
– | Male A13 narrowed at apex (Fig. |
P. transfoveolus Bai, Chen & Li, sp. nov. |
13 | Female clypeus with lateral longitudinal raised carina; male clypeus about as long as wide; S7 basally without a row of thick brown setae | P. communis Giordani Soika, 1994 |
– | Female clypeus with indistinct lateral longitudinal raised carina (Fig. |
P. setaceus Bai, Chen & Li, sp. nov. |
We are very grateful to Prof. Qiang Li and Prof. Li Ma (Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, China) for providing us with the specimens deposited in their insect collections under their care. This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos: 31772490, 31372247, 31000976).