Senckenberg Frankfurt, Germany
Subject: Palaeontology; Phylogeny
The Natural History Museum London, United Kingdom
Taxa: Ichneumonidae Subject: Taxonomy Regions: World
Canadian National Collection of Insects Ottawa, Canada
Taxa: Braconidae
ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources Bengaluru, India
Taxa: Chalcidoidea
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Onna-son, Japan
Taxa: Formicidae Subject: General ecology; Taxonomy Regions: Asia; Madagascar; Africa
Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Taxa: Chalcidoidea Subject: Systematics; Molecular systematics; Phylogeny; Biogeography Regions: World
Colección Nacional de Insectos. Instituto de Biología. UNAM. Mexico City, Mexico
Taxa: Braconidae Subject: Systematics
Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre of CAS Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Taxa: Formicidae Subject: General ecology
USDA-ARS, US Vegetable Laboratory Charleston, United States of America
Taxa: Proctotrupoidea Subject: Biological Control; Molecular systematics; Phylogeny
Central Texas Melittological Institute Austin, Texas, United States of America
Taxa: Formicidae; Apidae Regions: Africa
Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin Berlin, Germany
Taxa: Vespoidea; Apoidea; Chrysidoidea Subject: Systematics; Molecular systematics; Nomenclature; Taxonomy; Phylogeny; Biogeography Regions: World
University of Oulu Oulu, Finland
Taxa: Xyeloidea; Cephoidea; Megalodontoidea; Siricoidea; Diprionidae; Tenthredinoidea; Orussoidea Subject: Systematics; General ecology; Phylogeny Regions: World; Central Europe
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