Research Article |
Corresponding author: Carolyn Trietsch ( ) Corresponding author: Istvan Miko ( ) Corresponding author: Andrew R. Deans ( ) Academic editor: Matthew Yoder
© 2017 Carolyn Trietsch, Istvan Miko, Jonah M. Ulmer, Andrew R. Deans.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Trietsch C, Mikó I, Ulmer JM, Deans AR (2017) Translucent cuticle and setiferous patches in Megaspilidae (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 60: 135-156.
All Ceraphronoidea have metasomal patches of translucent cuticle and setae that have never been investigated before, despite their potential behavioral and phylogenetic relevance. To understand the internal and external morphology of these structures, specimens were examined using a broad array of histology-based methods, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM). For the first time, the setiferous patches are shown to be associated with exocrine glands in Ceraphronoidea. The proposed glandular function is the secretion of pheromones, with the setae above the pore openings serving as a surface for evaporation. The translucent cuticle is morphologically distinct from the setiferous patches; structures resembling lamellar bodies were found underneath the translucent cuticle, and may be associated with photoreceptors or endocrine glands. The locations of translucent cuticle on the metasoma are unique to different families and genera within Ceraphronoidea, and could be useful for inferring phylogenetic relationships. The character distribution suggests that the genera Trassedia and Masner are more closely related to Ceraphronidae than Megaspilidae. We found similar structures containing translucent cuticle in Orussidae and Ichneumonoidea, indicating that these structures are potentially a rich character system for future phylogenetic analysis in Hymenoptera.
Megaspilus , Conostigmus , Dendrocerus , Lagynodinae , felt field, felt line, setal patch, translucent patch, thyridium, gastrocoelus
Ceraphronoidea is a small but widespread superfamily of parasitoid wasps that contains approximately 600 species and is comprised of two families, Megaspilidae and Ceraphronidae (
On the metasoma of all ceraphronoid wasps, there are pairs of translucent patches of cuticle on the syntergite and synsternite, referred to as the syntergal and synsternal translucent patches (stp) (
Brightfield images of syntergal and synsternal translucent patches and synsternal setiferous patches in different species of Conostigmus (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae), viewed externally. A Dorsal surface (syntergite) within a C. bipunctatus Kieffer, 1907 (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) specimen (identifier: IM 1751) B Ventral surface (synsternite) within the same C. bipunctatus specimen C Ventral surface of Conostigmus sp. C7A (identifier: CLEV 22741) D Ventral surface of Conostigmus sp. C7B (identifier: PSUC_FEM 83781) Abbreviations: smp = synsternal setiferous patch; stp = syntergal/synsternal translucent patch. The species notations given are not issued for purposes of zoological nomenclature, and are not published within the meaning of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Even though translucent and setiferous patches have been observed in several hymenopteran taxa, little work has been done to investigate their morphology and potential functions. The translucent cuticle in the gastrocoelus, thyridium and pseudothyridium has never been studied before, even though differences in the thyridium have been used to distinguish between proctotrupid species (
More research has been done to investigate the structure and function of setiferous patches found in other Hymenoptera. In Mutillidae, there is a “felt line organ” underneath the felt lines that appears to function as an exocrine gland (
To understand the morphology of the translucent and setiferous patches in Ceraphronoidea, we dissected and imaged specimens with brightfield microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Orussid and ichneumonid specimens were also dissected and imaged with brightfield microscopy for comparison. We also utilized histological methods; we used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to investigate the cuticle and underlying structures, and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) to build three-dimensional representations of these structures. SBFSEM is a novel technology that has only recently been applied to studying arthropod physiology, but it is a promising approach for studying external and internal morphology (
Pinned and point-mounted Orussidae, Ceraphronoidea and Ichneumonoidea specimens were obtained from the Frost Entomological Museum (
All specimen observations and dissections were done under an Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope with an Olympus SDF PL APO 1X PF objective (115X) and an Olympus SDF PL APO 2X PFC objective (230X magnification). Point-mounted specimens were prepared for dissection by incubating them at room temperature in 20–25% KOH for 24 hours, acetic acid for 24 hours, and then distilled water for one hour. Afterwards, specimens were placed on individual concave slides in glycerin for dissection and storage. Dissections were done in glycerin with #2 insect pins and #5 forceps. Brightfield images were taken using an Olympus DP71 digital camera attached to an Olympus ZX41 compound microscope. Images were then aligned and stacked using Zerene Stacker Version 1.04 Build T201404082055 (see protocol in
For CLSM, metasomata were removed from point-mounted megaspilid specimens and either put directly into glycerin, or incubated at room temperature in 35% hydrogen peroxide for 48 hours before being put in glycerin. The purpose of this incubation was to bleach melanin-rich structures, which can interfere with autofluorescence. All metasomata were dissected in glycerin, mounted between 1.5 mm thick, 24×50 mm cover glasses and then imaged using an Olympus FV10i confocal laser scanning microscope. Auto-fluorescence of the structures was collected between 470 and 670 nm with three channels assigned contrasting pseudocolors (420–520nm, blue; 490–520nm, green; and 570–670nm, red). Images were processed in ImageJ (Version 2.0.0-rc-54/1.51g, Build 26f53fffab) (
For TEM, live megaspilid specimens were dissected in cacodylate buffer, fixed with glutaraldehyde, stained with osmium tetroxide and uranyl acetate, dehydrated through an ethanol series, and embedded in eponite (protocol available at Blocks were trimmed and sectioned using a Leica UCT ultramicrotome. Sections were collected on slot and mesh grids and then double-stained with lead citrate and uranyl acetate. Sections were imaged with a JEOL 1200 TEM.
Live specimens for SBFSEM were also dissected in cacodylate buffer, fixed in glutaraldehyde, and then stained with osmium tetroxide, potassium ferrocyanide, thiocarbohydrazide (TCH) solution, uranyl acetate, and lead aspartate. Specimens were then dehydrated through an ethanol series and embedded in eponite (Protocol available at, modified from
Anatomical terms follow the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (
Translucent and setiferous patches were found in all Ceraphronoidea observed, including both males and females. SEM revealed that the syntergal and synsternal translucent patches lack setae and bear the impression of units that resemble epidermal cells, also known as scutes (
SEM images of the syntergal and synsternal translucent patches and synsternal setiferous patches in male Megaspilus armatus Say, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) specimens. A Dorsal surface of the metasoma, showing the scutes (identifier PSUC_FEM 68527) B Ventral surface of the metasoma (identifier: PSUC_FEM 50127) C Closer view of the synsternal setiferous patch and scutes, with arrows pointing to pore openings in the cuticle (identifier: PSUC_FEM 50127) Abbreviations: smp = synsternal setiferous patch; stp = synsternal translucent patch.
The synsternal setiferous patches also occur in pairs on the synsternite and are bilaterally symmetrical. Comparisons between different species of Conostigmus revealed species-specific differences in the length and shape of the setiferous patches (Fig.
The location of the synsternal setiferous patches in relation to the synsternal translucent patches differs between the families and subfamilies of Ceraphronoidea (Figs
Images of the synsternal translucent and setiferous patches in the metasoma of different Ceraphronoidea. A Brightfield image of a Ceraphron sp. (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) (identifier: PSUC_FEM 27234) BSEM image of Masner lubomirus Deans & Mikó, 2015 (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) (identifier: PSUC_FEM 470955) CSEM image of Trichosteresis glabra Boheman, 1832 (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) (identifier: IM 1512) D Brightfield image of a Trassedia sp. (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae) (identifier: IM 1109/
Observations of Orussidae revealed smooth patches of cuticle occurring on the anterior portion of both the second abdominal sternite and tergite. The patches were translucent in some specimens observed (Fig.
Brightfield images showing the dorsal and ventral patches of translucent cuticle in Orussidae, viewed externally. A Dorsal view of an Orussus sp. (Hymenoptera: Orussidae), viewed externally (identifier: IM 1445/
Patches of translucent cuticle were also observed in Ichneumonidae on the second metasomal tergite and sternite (Fig.
CLSM was used to check for the presence of resilin in the synsternal and syntergal translucent patches in male (Fig.
CLSM image of the synsternal translucent patch and setiferous patch in a male (A identifier: PSUC_FEM 86236) and female (B identifier PSUC_FEM 86240) Megaspilus armatus Say, 1836 specimen (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae), viewed externally. Abbreviations: smp = synsternal setiferous patch; stp = synsternal translucent patch.
Histological cross sections of the metasoma of Dendrocerus sp. and Conostigmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) specimens revealed the presence of pore canals directly underneath the setae of the synsternal setiferous patches (Fig.
ATEM image of the class one gland cells found underneath the synsternal translucent patch in a Dendrocerus sp. (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) The arrow points to the secretory duct in the cuticle, while the square outlines the gland cells at the base of these ducts B A closer look at the class one gland cells at the base of one of these ducts. Specimen identifier: IM 5442.
The internal structures associated with the synsternal translucent patches were different than those of the synsternal setiferous patches. Histological cross sections did not show any pore canals in the translucent cuticle. However, TEM and SBFSEM revealed membrane-bound structures with excess membrane folds present underneath the translucent patches (Fig.
Histological cross sections of the metasoma of Dendrocerus sp. and Conostigmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) specimens revealed pore canals directly underneath the setae of the synsternal setiferous patches (Fig.
Closer inspection of the cuticle with TEM revealed smaller pores fringed with cells containing smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Fig.
Glands underneath patches of setae in Hymenoptera are thought to secrete pheromones, with the setae acting to increase the surface area for diffusion of these secretions (
Translucent cuticle over the compound eyes and ocelli in insects often contains resilin, a structural protein that autofluoresces between 320 nm and 415 nm (
The internal structures associated with the synsternal translucent patches were different that those of the synsternal setiferous patches. Histological cross sections did not show any pore canals in the translucent cuticle. However, TEM and SBFSEM revealed membrane-bound structures with excess membrane folds present underneath the translucent patches (Fig.
Lamellar bodies are involved in organelle recycling, and can have glandular functions such as storage and secretion (
Both patches of setae (
There are also differences in the locations of the setiferous and translucent patches between different members of Ceraphronoidea. The synsternal setiferous patches are located posteriorly to the synsternal translucent patches in the family Ceraphronidae, laterally to them in the Megaspilinae, and anteriorly to them in Lagynodinae. It is unclear why these structures occur in different locations across different groups. If the setiferous patches secrete substances that play a role in courtship or defense, the locations of the setiferous patches could indicate different courtship or defensive behaviors in different groups. It is also possible that these structures could have evolved independently. The phylogenetic relationships between the families and subfamilies in Ceraphronoidea are unresolved (
The locations of the translucent and setiferous patches in relation to each other could also provide relevant information concerning the placement of difficult genera within Ceraphronoidea. The genus Masner is perplexing in that it shares characters with both Megaspilidae and Ceraphronidae. It is thought to be sister to Ceraphronidae (
Whereas patches of setae have long been known to be associated with glandular openings in Hymenoptera (
Similar structures are also present in Ichneumonidae on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the metasoma. The structures present on the tergite are known by different names. According to
The authors would like to thank Missy Hazen for her expertise and assistance with CLSM, TEM and SBFSEM at the Penn State Microscopy and Cytometry Facility (University Park, PA), John Catolina for his expertise and assistance with SEM at the Penn State Microscopy and Cytometry Facility (University Park, PA), and Julie Anderson for her expertise and assistance with SEM at the Penn State Materials Research Institute (University Park, PA). This work was also performed in part at the Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF) at North Carolina State University, which is supported by the State of North Carolina and the National Science Foundation (award number ECCS-1542015). The AIF is a member of the North Carolina Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN), a site in the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). The authors would like to thank Lars Vilhelmsen for his expertise on Orussidae, Emily Sandall for her assistance with GBIF and Michael J. Sharkey for his gift of specimens. Special thanks to the Frost Entomological Museum (
Specimen locality information
Data type: specimens data
Explanation note: A table listing all of the specimens used in this study, and their associated locality and repository information.